GOP Surge Forcing Democrats To Spend Money On Traditionally Reliable Blue Senate Seats

Democrats Spending Blue Seats
Murray: wikimedia- Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Senate Democrats 7/12/17 2:00 Bennet: Flikr- Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 (CC BY-SA 2.0) Gage Skidmore 8/10/19

If the numbers weren’t already bad enough for Democrats, they are now finding themselves spending a lot of money in places that, prior to 2022, have been fairly reliable Democrat strongholds.

Two of the most recent are in Washington state and Colorado. In Washington, Sen. Patty Murray is feeling the heat from somewhere. She has spent over $1 million in the last few weeks with negative ads to get out in front of her Republican opponent Tiffany Smiley.

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Panic Setting In

So why would Patty Murray be so spooked that she is spending tons of cash in a state that Joe Biden won handily by 20 points? It could be that Trump-endorsed candidates did very well in Tuesday night’s primary elections.

It could also be that, while Patty Murray tries to tie Smiley to pro-life Republicans and her support for the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, Smiley’s polling data shows different priorities for people in Washington.

Polling for the Smiley campaign shows the top issue for Washington voters is the economy. Just 10% of those polled said abortion was their top issue. Currently, Murray is leading Smiley in polling 48% to 43%. Washington is another state where Joe Biden is surprisingly under water with a 53% job disapproval. 

Ed Goeas, president of The Tarrance Group who is doing polling for the Smiley campaign, said of Murray, “She was the very first Senate incumbent in the country to run a negative campaign against her challenger. That shows how deep of a problem she’s in.”

That doesn’t sound good for Democrats.

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Colorado Could Be A Problem Too

Just like Patty Murray in Washington, Democrat Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet is doing a bit of sweating as well. Businessman Joe O’Dea won the GOP Senate nomination Tuesday night. 

A pre-primary poll showed Bennet up by 13 points over O’Dea. But in a state that Joe Biden won by 13 points, Bennet is not taking the election for granted. He said of the 2022 election cycle, “When you’re in the same party as the president, that’s gonna be a tough cycle.”

When asked if he would welcome Joe Biden coming to Colorado to campaign with him, Bennet was vague, saying, “I haven’t thought about it at all.” Bennet’s opponent O’Dea, in a veiled reference to Biden’s unpopular poll numbers stated, “I’d actually pay for the flight out for Biden to come as many times as he wants this year with Michael Bennet.”

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The Writing Is On The Wall For Democrats

By now, fall should be looking pretty ominous for Democrats all over the country. Just two weeks ago in Texas, Democrats got their first taste of November when Mayra Flores won Texas’ 34th Congressional District. That border district is the second-most Hispanic in the country, and had not had a Republican congressperson for 150 years.

Two other Hispanic women won the GOP nominations for congressional seats that are also border districts. Monica De La Cruz will be the nominee in Texas 15, and Cassy Garcia will take on incumbent Henry Cuellar (D-TX). 

In what may be a rejection of far-left squad-like candidates, Cuellar successfully fended off progressive Jessica Cisneros to run again in Texas’ 28th Congressional District. 

Nico Delgado is a an advisor with the Colorado Democrat Party. He put the situation very bluntly. “It’s going to be a tough year for Democrats all around.”

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