Gabbard: DNC ‘Rigging Primary’ in Favor of ‘Billionaire Candidates’

Tulsi Gabbard Bloomberg

Representative Tulsi Gabbard just released a statement saying that the DNC and “party establishment” are “rigging the primary process for billionaire candidates.”

“They Will Do Everything to Silence Us”

“Thousands of people turned out to cast the first votes of this presidential primary in the Iowa Caucuses last night,” Gabbard said. “Unfortunately, the voices of the people of Iowa have yet to be heard as the vote count continues, leaving voters frustrated and without the transparency and integrity in this process that they expect and deserve.”

The Representative from Hawaii said that it was clear to her that “the corporate media, the military-industrial complex, and the party establishment are threatened by [her] message, because it challenges their grip on power.” The DNC and their cronies “will do everything to silence us, while also rigging the primary process for billionaire candidates who think they can bypass the kind of grassroots campaigning that is the fuel of our movement,” Gabbard continued.

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DNC are Rigging the Primary for Bloomberg!

Gabbard’s statement follows a rule change by the DNC last week, that removed the individual-donor requirement for candidates to appear on the Democratic debate stage. This seemed to be targeted at allowing billionaire gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg to take part, as his campaign is entirely self-funded.

I would definitely agree with Gabbard here – the DNC does not care about its grassroots, as can be seen with the total debacle surrounding the Iowa caucus, and the links that the creators of the voting app have to the Clinton campaign. At the time of writing, only 71% of results have been reported, 2 days after the caucuses actually took place. Currently, Pete Buttigieg is tying with Senator Bernie Sanders for delegates, with each receiving 11 a piece. This seems to conflict with early reports, which saw Sanders well ahead of the competition.

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It was also revealed last week that some members of the DNC are conspiring against Sanders to stop him from receiving the nomination if he enters the convention with the most, but not the majority of, delegates.

Gabbard is right. The party establishment are doing everything they can to stop anyone challenging the military-industrial complex or their corporate interests. Clearly, the most interesting times in this Democratic race are yet to come.

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