Flashback: Hillary Says Secret E-mail Accounts Are Shredding Constitution


If “secret White House e-mail accounts” amount to shredding the Constitution in 2007, does that same analysis ring true today?

You’d have to ask Hillary Clinton herself.

The former Secretary of State, currently embroiled in a ‘secret White House e-mail’ scandal, railed against the Bush administration for having done just that back in 2007.

Via the Daily Caller:

Hillary Clinton supporters are currently scrambling to minimize the significance of her using a private Gmail address to conduct all of her business as Secretary of State, but in 2007, Clinton herself took a decidedly different tack, saying that secret email accounts “shredded” the very Constitution of the United States.

Clinton, then running for president, was speaking at the Take Back America conference held by the Campaign for America’s Future, and took the Bush administration to task for alleged violations of constitutional governance.

Watch the clip below and feel the hypocrisy oozing from your computer screen …


“You know our Constitution is being shredded.  We know about the secret wiretaps.  We know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House e-mail accounts.”

“It’s a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok. It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.”

She would also add in regards to the items she ticked off, “It’s honestly hard to believe that one of those things could happen in America, but all of them have.”

Indeed, it’s very difficult to believe a Secretary of State could make classified information vulnerable via a secret personal e-mail account in America today.

And from her own mouth, that secrecy is ‘shredding the Constitution.’

For once, we tend to agree with you Mrs. Clinton.

Do you agree with Hillary? Have her actions been unlawful and completely un-American?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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