FBI Paid Anti-Trump British Spy Steele to Take Classified Information

Trump Steele

The Inspector General report released last year revealed that the FBI paid Christopher Steele, a British anti-Trump spy, $15K to accept classified information.

FBI Handed Over “Extensive Classified Materials”

Eric Felton, of Real Clear Investigations, highlighted the meeting between Steele and the FBI that was buried within the report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Steele was the agent who compiled the supposedly “bombshell” dossier on President Trump when he was a presidential candidate at the behest of Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Steele’s ridiculous report claimed that the President had deep ties to the Russian government, and that there was even a blackmail tape held by the FSB of two prostitutes urinating on him at a hotel in Moscow.

The report was simply rumours, gossip, and more wild accusations, but it was lapped up by the media as proof that President Trump was a puppet of Putin.

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The fact that Steele released this insane dossier to the media didn’t stop the FBI meeting up with him in Rome in October 2016 to hand over “extensive classified materials,” including “foreign intelligence information still considered so sensitive that the IG’s report refers to it even now only as coming from a ‘Friendly Foreign Government’,” which Felton clarified related to Australia. Not only did the FBI have Steele get this information, but they even paid him $15,000 to attend the briefing! Felton notes that this was because the FBI agents were “eager to maintain his cooperation in their Trump-Russia collusion investigation codenamed Crossfire Hurricane.”

Lost All Credibility

This is another nail in the coffin of the FBI’s respectability. To me, this shows that they have lost all credibility as a law enforcement agency – they clearly do not care about the truth, but only attacking President Trump and his allies by any means necessary, including pay thousands of taxpayer dollars to a man who peddles rumours and gossip and passes them off as verifiable intelligence.

Earlier this month, former Congressman Trey Gowdy said that if he were the President, he would think that the FBI were out to get him too.

“We’re not going to make it as a country if we don’t have confidence in the FBI, “he said, adding that “it’s been a terrible four years for the world’s premier law enforcement agency.”

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