FAIL: Urban Outfitters Apologizes For “Vintage” Blood-Splattered Kent State Sweatshirt

It looks like Urban Outfitters has beat out Abercrombie & Fitch for the title of most obnoxious, morally bankrupt clothing retailer in America. (And believe me, it was a tough competition!) Over the weekend, the hipster hotspot advertised a “vintage” Kent State University sweatshirt splattered with fake blood. You know, because four students were shot and killed during the infamous Kent State massacre of 1970. It’s like, sooo vintage!

The sweatshirt is now listed as “sold out.” It’s depressing to think that someone out there – most likely an “edgy” hipster trying to be “ironic” – will actually wear it and not feel like the worst person in the world. What’s next? “Vintage” Star of Davids from Nazi Germany? What other atrocities would Urban Outfitters like to turn into a fashion statement?

And although anyone with eyes can see that there’s fake blood on the shirt, Urban Outfitters is now denying it, saying they’re sorry the shirt was “perceived negatively.”

I’m skeptical.

In 2010 Urban Outfitters sold a T-shirt that displayed the message “Eat Less.” The joke is that some people starve themselves because they believe obsessively that they are overweight.

In 2004 Urban Outfitters sold a “Jewish Girls” T-shirt covered in dollar signs. The joke is that Jewish people are obsessed with money.

In 2003 Urban Outfitters sold a board game called “Ghettopoly,” which included a card rewarding players for the achievement of “you got yo whole neighborhood addicted to crack.” The joke is that poor people are drug addicts and drug dealers.

No, those “jokes” aren’t even vaguely funny – but that’s hipster humor for you. I think it’s time for all decent Americans to refuse to give a another penny to Urban Outfitters.