Eric Holder Looking to Run For President in 2020

Former Attorney General under Barack Obama, Eric Holder, reportedly has his eye on the White House in 2020.

Holder told Yahoo News in an interview that he has been motivated by Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 presidential election to get back into the spotlight.

“Now is the time to be more visible,” he declared. “Now is the time to be heard.”

No, now is the time to crawl back under a rock while President Trump tries to fix everything you, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid did to ‘change’ America in the last 8 years.

Via Fox News:

Eric Holder, the Obama-era attorney general who delighted in sparring with congressional Republicans and has since joined the anti-Trump ‘resistance,’ said in an interview he’s planning to become “more visible” – and reportedly could be considering a 2020 presidential run.

Yahoo News reported that Holder is mulling a bid and stepping up his public appearances.

“Up to now, I have been more behind-the-scenes,” Holder told Yahoo News. “But that’s about to change. I have a certain status as the former attorney general. … So I want to use whatever skills I have, whatever notoriety I have, to be effective in opposing things that are, at the end of the day, just bad for the country.”

Well, hate to break it to you, Mr. Holder, but we saw your work at the Department of Justice. It was kind of bad for the country.

That whole being held in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over documents related to the “Fast and Furious” gun-tracking operation was pretty bad.

Oh, and lying under oath to Congress by claiming to have never been involved in trying to prosecute reporters, despite personally approving an application for a warrant on Fox News’ James Rosen as a potential co-conspirator in espionage. Also bad.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh isn’t all that worried about a potential Holder run, however.

“Come on, come on, come, bring it on,” Limbaugh taunted on his radio program. “Black Lives Matter seeking the White House? Bring it on.”

Meanwhile, Holder has been strengthening his progressive credentials in the liberal cesspool we know as California.

He’s been tasked with leading that state’s anti-Trump efforts, serving as “outside counsel” to the state’s Legislature, which is heavily controlled by Democrats, in an effort to “resist any attempts to roll back the progress California has made” by Trump’s administration.

Surely the Democrats could come up with somebody other than an old Obama sidekick in 2020.

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What do you think of Eric Holder considering a run in 2020? Share your thoughts below!

22 thoughts on “Eric Holder Looking to Run For President in 2020”


  2. He’s not running! At most, he’ll run for congress, and I doubt he’ll run for anything! There’s a greater chance that the Brooklyn Nets will win the title next June than there is for Holder to run president!

  3. hopefully holder will be in prison by 2020 or meet with an untimely end by one of his insane liberal progressive terrorist cohorts. liberals have a way of disapearing whren they are believed to have information that could push high ranking democrats in front of a bus!

  4. He’ll be in jail before the election…..not to worry….he is on the list with obama, killary, lynch. holder, rice, and comey plus a few of the leakers and spies from the previous administration.

  5. Do the Democrats not have a candidate that is a proven liar and/orhave a shady past? This is the best they can offer in leadership, and, Holder was an Obama man all the way; sold his soul. Fanned the flames of civil unrest that is erupting today. Guess, like the rest of the Democrats, he thinks us not smart enough to remember the past. Another person President Trump should keep an eye on; keep enemies close to you.

  6. The first thing to come out after ‘Fast and Furious” and all of the other scandals surrounding Eric Holder :

    Will be how his wife Sharon Denise Malone Holder and Loretta Lynch were sorority sisters and founding members of the first all black sorority at “Harvard Yard” – “The Xi Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on April 5, 1980.

    If he is running against a white candidate who did anything like that the white person would be called a racist wouldn’t they?

  7. By the time all of the corruption from the Obama regime has been exposed Eric Holder might be the president of the license plate makers society at Leavenworth.

    Actual testimony:

    Trey Gowdy: “So this report is full of lies/”
    Eric Holder: “NO!!! NOT LIES!!!! There are things that are factually inaccurate….”

  8. like a bad penny these crooks – they just keep popping up – they simply CAN NOT stop their mouths from yapping, they can’t stop their unquenchable thirst for power and attention; they will not be happy till the US is fully buried in socialism and degraded to third world status! ANY POS FORMERLY CONNECTED TO THE OBAMA 8-YR DEBACLE SHOULD BE BANNED FROM PUBLIC OFFICE, EVEN THAT OF DOG CATCHER! MOST of them should be in prison on charges of treason and corruption!

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