DNC Vice Chair: ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’

dnc vice chair tweets repeal second amendment

Last week, former center-left Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment. Liberals and the mainstream media largely ignored the op-ed, with some – like CNN’s Chris Cuomo – tweeting that “no one” is calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Well, Cuomo and friends certainly have egg on their face now, because Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman and state Senator Karen Carter Peterson retweeted Stevens’s op-ed with the comment: “Repeal the Second Amendment.”

Peterson, by the way, serves as the vice chair of civic engagement and voter participation for the Democratic National Committee.

Clearly, there are people who want to repeal the Second Amendment; and while the media have their collective heads buried in the sand, We the People won’t stand for it.

Following Peterson’s tweet, the Louisiana Democratic Party attempted to do damage control by issuing a statement that the state party is “a strong supporter of the Second Amendment” and that Peterson’s tweet is not reflective of the party’s position.

Do Americans believe them? I’m sure we’ll find out come November.

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7 thoughts on “DNC Vice Chair: ‘Repeal The Second Amendment’”

  1. Where is it that these liberal Anti-American socialist has the rights to over ride the Constitution as it was written here in the United States of America. We Veterans and those brave men and women has fought and died for the Constitution and now the gutless sissies want to chop the Constitution apart. Answer is this HELL NO!

  2. Along with Perez and Ellison, DNC National co-chairman, her narrative fits right into the mold of how Dems pick their leadership. With choices like these, no wonder why the party is broke and cannot raise any money.

  3. At the time of the Revolution and the War for Independence, the Colonial Rebels had almost the same type weaponry as the British, in the Flintlock rifles. The Militia’s rifle were just a touch more long range in the Kentucky Long Rifle (America’s first Snipers). The Militia had better weaponry than the British’s military. That is why we, the rebels, won the war. We had the better weaponry.

    The AR-15 in comparison to the M16 M4 is not the same or better than the military of today. AR-15: One trigger squeeze, one bullet, PERIOD; M4? one squeeze, one round, 3 rounds burst, or automatic fire until trigger release or out of ammo.

    What then is the difference? The military has bigger guns, but the militia, We The People, has more guns.

    That is why the democrats want to disarm us. That is what keeps them up at night. That is what scares the to death. It may, one day, come to that. Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, better make sure you’ve got your will signed.

  4. The Democrats, with their “No one wants to take your guns,” and “No one wants to repeal The Second Amendment,” have become the little boy who cried, “Wolf!”

    I am reminded of Ray Bradbury’s “October Game” — “Then…

    …Some idiot turned on the lights.”

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