DeSantis: If Biden Spent Less Time Worrying About Florida, American Troops Might Not Have Died in Afghanistan

Florida governor Ron DeSantis slammed Joe Biden, indicating that had the President focused less on what Florida is doing 13 United States service members might not have died in Afghanistan.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Joe Biden for the President’s repeated comments about Florida and GOP governors, indicating that had the President focused less on what Florida is doing, 13 American service members might not have died in Afghanistan.

The potential 2024 presidential candidate also suggested America’s allies and adversaries do not respect the current administration.

He went on to blast the President for focusing on Florida’s handling of the pandemic – particularly the governor’s insistence on freedom of choice over mandates.

“If you watch Biden, he always has to talk about Florida, loves talking about things that we’re doing down there,” DeSantis said at a Nebraska fundraiser.

“If he spent a little less time talking about Florida and more time doing his job as Commander-in-Chief, we might not have 13 service members who were killed in action in Afghanistan because of his ineptitude and dereliction of duty,” he accused.

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DeSantis Hammers Biden

Governor DeSantis also attacked Biden for what he considers unconstitutional mandates and government overreach.

“My message from Florida is this: When Joe Biden violates the Constitution, when Joe Biden attacks the jobs of Floridians and Americans, when Joe Biden targets the livelihood of Florida families and American families, I am fighting back against him,” he said.

DeSantis argued that America’s enemies spent the four years prior to Biden’s inauguration in fear of America. But that has now changed to the detriment of the nation.

“They are watching what happens, in China and in Iran and in North Korea and in Moscow,” DeSantis said.

“Those countries feared Donald Trump,” he added. “They don’t fear Joe Biden and they don’t respect Joe Biden.”

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DeSantis Running In 2024?

Governor Ron DeSantis has recently addressed swirling speculation that he might run against Biden in the 2024 presidential election, a possibility raised even further by his attacks on the President at a fundraiser.

“All the speculation about me is purely manufactured,” he said at a press conference last week. “I just do my job and we work hard … I hear all this stuff and honestly it’s nonsense.”

DeSantis has received rave reviews amongst conservatives for his hands-off, ‘don’t Fauci my Florida’ pandemic response to the federal government.

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Recent reports have indicated the Republican governor has amassed a “massive war chest.”

His political committee announced earlier this week that he had raised $5.5 million in August alone while earning donations from all 50 states.

Despite his credentials and even words of encouragement from former President Donald Trump, speculation seems to indicate that DeSantis would only step forward if Trump decides not to run again in 2024.

Or, perhaps DeSantis would consider joining Trump on the ticket?


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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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