David Limbaugh Slams Comey – ‘Gossipy Little Girl’ Who Should Be Ashamed

David Limbaugh Comey

Conservative author, lawyer, and professor, David Limbaugh, went into the James Comey interview granting him every conceivable benefit of the doubt.

He left with even less respect for the former FBI director who was fired by President Trump in an attempt to “restore(ing) public confidence in the FBI.”

Comey’s actions since – which include leaking classified memos, waiting nearly a year to speak about his interactions with the President until he had a multi-million dollar book deal, and whining about Trump in a widely seen ABC News interview – have only served to further erode the public confidence.

“I cannot believe this guy,” Limbaugh told Fox News in a fiery interview. “He’s a man without a country. Nobody likes him anymore and there’s good reason.”

“He thinks of himself as a moral paragon,” he went on to say about Comey. “[But] he’s like a gossipy little girl.”

Limbaugh’s comments are strikingly similar to that of Fox News anchor Chris Wallace who described Comey’s book as shockingly “b**chy.”

“The other thing that surprises me, frankly, is how b**chy the book is,” Wallace scoffed. “Comey goes out of his way to say that the president isn’t as tall as he thought he was. He checked out the size of his hands the first time they shook hands.”

Limbaugh continued to tear into the former FBI director, who botched an airtight criminal investigation against Hillary Clinton, for being little more than a “publicity hound” at this stage of the game.

The conservative author spoke about potential legal issues facing Comey and whether or not he was in any danger by responding, “It’s certainly possible.”

It was a mocking reference to Comey’s response in his ABC interview that “it’s possible” the Russians have compromising information on President Trump.

Limbaugh added that by gossiping about what’s ‘possible,’ Comey was being intentionally inflammatory.

“He knows better [and] he should be ashamed,” Limbaugh said.

If he hasn’t been ashamed since his actions in exonerating Hillary before he even interviewed her in the email investigation, why would he be ashamed now?

Which term describes Comey better – A ‘gossipy little girl’ or ‘b**chy?’ Tell us your opinion in the comments section below!

7 thoughts on “David Limbaugh Slams Comey – ‘Gossipy Little Girl’ Who Should Be Ashamed”

  1. *Time to indict Comey for obstruction of justice and THEN have an investigation of the FBI with independent counsel from top to bottom. The FBI is a racketeer influenced corrupt organization.*

  2. Comey wants people to think he’s a man of principles & morales but instead he is lacking in both. His unprofessional, biased behavior has tarnished the reputation of the FBI for decades & his get back at you attitude by writing his book & continually criticizing Trump show just what a good decision it was to fire him. The FBI is supposed to be non partisan organization dedicated to investigating the truth but they have proven to be quite the opposite & most people no longer trust them.

    1. Comey is trolling Trump:
      Trolls do not prove the claims they make because they are Trolls. It is what trolls do. They cannot rise above the redline of baiting:
      1.They state the opposing case with little or no evidence.
      2.They criticize others’ writing without addressing the argument.
      3.They engage in personal/ad hominem attacks without addressing the argument.
      4.They engage in bald bare name-calling.

  3. You knew something stunk when right on national TV when he had Hillary and I thought at that moment she was going down then let her off the hook for bigger crimes than those of Martha Stewart and others did.
    That little $1/2-million “donation” from the Clinton Foundation for his wife must have come in handy as you know he got some if not all of it.

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