CNN’s Jake Tapper Called Out For Claiming Republicans Must Stop ‘Insane Lies’ That Have Led To ‘MAGA Terrorism’

CNN anchor Jake Tapper alleged that Republicans are responsible for stopping "insane lies" that have resulted in "MAGA terrorism."

CNN anchor Jake Tapper alleged that Republicans are responsible for stopping “insane lies” that have resulted in “MAGA terrorism.”

Tapper, who works in the field of media, in which his colleagues have repeatedly spread ‘insane lies,’ made the comments during his ‘State of the Union’ show this weekend.

“If there is no accountability and no attempt by the Republican Party to stop these insane lies that have taken root in their party,” he said, “this is not going to be the end of MAGA terrorism, this will only be the beginning.”

This isn’t the first time Tapper has referred to the mostly peaceful protests on January 6th as involving “MAGA terrorists.”

“MAGA terrorists, incited by Trump, his son, his lawyer, and months of lies by far too many folks in the GOP and media, tried to stop the Constitutional election process through a terrorist attack on the Capitol,” he tweeted a week after the incident.

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Jake Tapper Says Republicans Responsible For ‘MAGA Terrorism’

A few quick points here on Jake Tapper’s obviously ‘insane lies’ even within this segment.

First, Tapper and CNN would never have even dreamed of calling out Democrats and the Black Lives Matter movement for their insane lies portraying police officers as murders, which led to countless instances of arson and looting throughout the summer, as well as the killing of a Trump supporter.

There was never any reference to ‘BLM terrorism’ by the media despite these incidents, including those that would qualify as “insurrection” at the White House and a federal courthouse in Portland.

Second, within this little video segment of Tapper’s rant, he selectively edits former President Trump’s comments during his speech on the same day of the Capitol riots.

The video shows Trump saying: “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol … Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness.”

It ends there.

But, immediately after those words, Trump states: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” (Emphasis added.)

Then, of course, there is the not-so-small matter of CNN spreading ‘insane lies’ about Trump and his administration – not the least of which was the Russia collusion hoax – for four years to their audience.

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Tapper Got Hammered

Needless to say, Jake Tapper’s insistence on referring to everything surrounding the Capitol riots as “MAGA terrorism” will achieve nothing but further violence down the road.

And he got called out for it.

Steve Krakauer, a one-time senior digital producer for CNN, called Tapper’s comments “wildly irresponsible” and scoffed at his use of the phrase.

Others noted the absurdity of Tapper calling out others’ lies.

And make no mistake, Tapper isn’t doing his best to coin the term “MAGA terrorism” as a means to only attack Republican lawmakers, it’s meant to degrade you.

He and CNN despise Trump supporters and everything they stand for.

They’ve been denigrating you for years. They are as responsible for what happened on January 6th as anybody else.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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