CNN Posts Fake Abraham Lincoln Quote To Attack Trump

CNN has been nothing short of a hot mess in recent days weeks years, using Sesame Street characters to attack President Trump’s travel ban, being caught on camera admitting that the Russia collusion story is mostly bulls***, and of course, Memegate.

So, the network constantly railed on as ‘fake news’ really could have used some positive publicity this week.

What did they do? They attacked President Trump on Independence Day, and it backfired worse than a Jason Pierre-Paul fireworks display.

CNN posted a meme quoting Abraham Lincoln on the need to peddle in facts …

The media could hardly contain their glee at watching CNN mocking the President over facts. This Independent headline for example:

Problem with the whole ‘facts’ meme? CNN never researched their own facts, failing to note that the quote above is not an accurate version of Abraham Lincoln’s words.

Via the Federalist:

Critic and playwright Terry Teachout had a funny feeling about the quote. He asked Quote Investigator, the research operation headed by Garson O’Toole, to look into it: “This quote, though familiar, looks suspicious to me. Any thoughts?”

Three hours later, Quote Investigator had found a quote with some similarities, and some differences, to the one being put out by CNN:

Insofar as a hearsay quote should ever be tweeted out or inscribed in walls, at least it should be accurate. Particularly when it’s about “truth” and “facts.”

As a general rule, words placed inside quotation marks as seen in CNN’s meme should accurately reflect the words spoken. This does not. Social media users were quick to pounce …

But alas, that wasn’t the only fake quote CNN sent out on the Fourth of July.

Unfortunately for the Clinton News Network, that quote doesn’t come from Ben Franklin at all.

As in the previous example, readers were not kind to CNN’s misuse of facts.

Amazing. Even when they’re trying to mock the President for not reporting facts, CNN fails to report facts.

Share your thoughts on CNN’s attempt to attack President Trump on ‘facts’ below!

24 thoughts on “CNN Posts Fake Abraham Lincoln Quote To Attack Trump”

  1. Do the news media think that the 1st Amendment covers publishing known lies in attempts to remove a President? I, for one don’t. It is important to know that if not for alternative media we would only have their side of the story.

  2. Believe it or not folks libtards are actually stupid enough to still watch the main stream media LOL.

    Everything they want to attack Trump on has already been proven a LIE and they still act like it’s true , i have come to realize that libtards are much much dumber than i had originally thought and i already thought they were as dumb as dumb gets .

    All you got to remember is these morons actually elected an anti American Islamic communist not once but twice , you cannot get dumber than that , it’s impossible .

    But wait there’s more , not only did they do that but they actually wanted to elect his clone are you effing kidding me !!!!!!!!!!

    These libtards are by far the dumbest things to ever walk planet earth .

  3. LOL How many CNN employees does it take to screw in a light bulb? ZERO!! What’s a light bulb?
    They are so set in their ways to find their Trump “gotcha” moment or story that they’re looking everywhere and seem to be completely dumbfounded that there are no skeleton in his closet, no corruption either and other businesses associates and competitors like and respect the man. They’re so used to the political corruption in DC and elsewhere, so used to people hiding their past. So, Trump is an enigma to them. A very strange and mysterious puzzle who is what he claims to be. His dad Fred was the same, very upfront, wouldn’t take any nonsense or would never cut corners to save money, maybe some contractors would risk it to save a few dollars. My aunt’s father worked with Fred Trump. He had a saying that I vaguely remember. Get in, do it right (or correctly) the first and do not cut corners and there won’t need to be a second time. Something like that. What I see in President Trump he wants everyone to have a fair shot at success, while the liberals would rather pick and choose who should be the chosen one. Nine times out of ten they’re “choice” would be tons of questionable behavior or background.

  4. CNN can’t get anything straight. But then I don’t think there is anyone straight in that organization. Proof they are having a gay ol’ time trying to bash President Trump and his administration. Suck it up ash wholes…..your psychotic lying britch lost the election—-GET OVER IT!!!!!

  5. I remember when CNN’s big star,Wolf Blitzer, was on ” Celebrity Jeopardy” several years ago. This clown couldn’t correctly answer anything. Whether the category was Politics,History,Literature or Disney Cartoons, he just stood there with a blank look on his face. I laughed but it speaks volumes about CNN.

  6. No one seemed to notice that part of the A. Lincoln quote says, “The danger is, they are misled” referring to the people. It appears to me that President Lincoln was also fed up with FAKE news.

  7. You know the saying ” You can fool the people some of the time but you can’t fool them all of the time ” Soon or later corruption and deceit will rear its ugly head.

  8. “The only people who fear the truth are those with something to hide.” – Barack Obama
    You know the guy who spent a fortune and a lot of time trying to make sure all of his records have been sealed away from the public. Sure sounds like he has a lot to hide to me.

  9. And this is why people don’t trust the MSM. They will lie, cheat, steal, and lie about doing it, and use fake, or improperly quoted quotations, even if they have to attribute them to the wrong person. Ethics is a word not in their dictionary!

  10. CNN forgot to mention that Lincoln had locked up quite a few journalists.

    Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors
    May 18, 1864

    1. We were at war then and at war now and Lincoln did this to save lives of North and South Troops and the insurrection created from FAKE NEWS. It will save the lives of current day American Troops.

      The Lame Stream Media (CNN, NY Slimes, etc.) should wake up to the power vested in the Presidency . . . however, President Trump probably will never use it, however, it’s the “stick”, if the “carrot” doesn’t work.

    2. That was just one of many of Lincoln’s unconstitutional actions.

      Much irony involving the cool calculating politician who was revered by many and also despised by just as many.

  11. Are these not the same FNN that threatened an American citizen over a meme he posted? What they actually mean is FREEDOM OF SPEECH FOR LIBERALS ONLY. Did not see them lashing out at the snowflakes that kept Ann Coulter and many other Conservatives from voicing their opinions. COMPLETE SILENCE

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