Two Men Come Forward to Judiciary Claiming They, Not Kavanaugh, Assaulted Ford

In a stunning turn of events, two men interviewed by the Senate Judiciary Committee suggested Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh may have simply been a victim of mistaken identity.

A statement released by Committee Republicans late Wednesday indicated that on Monday they spoke: “with a man who believes he, not Judge Kavanaugh, had the encounter with Dr. Ford in 1982 that is the basis of his complaint.”

Ford had offered the initial accusation – the only one with even a slight whiff of possible truth – alleging that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982 at a high school party.

The release of her polygraph letter on Wednesday cast serious doubt on her claims, while this new information is set to rock the political world as Ford and Kavanaugh both prepare to testify about the incident.

A second interview was conducted with the man who later provided the Judiciary with a “more in-depth written statement.”

Reports indicate that a second man was interviewed by phone. That man also believes he may have been confused with Kavanaugh.

The news comes just hours after Ford’s story began to crumble when her polygraph letter indicated she couldn’t keep the number of people in attendance at the party straight, while simultaneously revealing she must have flown to the examination after previously stating she could not fly out of fear of enclosed spaces.

A theory had been floated online days ago suggesting Ford may have mistaken her assailant for Kavanaugh.

“There is zero chance that I would confuse them,” she claimed.

Since Ford’s accusations have slowly begun falling apart, Democrat operatives have been gathering even more questionable accusers to throw at Kavanaugh.

That culminated Wednesday night when NBC News reported, without a shred of evidence to indicate truth behind the matter, that a “fourth accuser” had written a letter to Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO).

The letter, of course, was not signed, did not name names, and provided only generalizations about an incident that never happened.

“We’re dealing with an anonymous letter about an anonymous person and an anonymous friend,” Kavanaugh said. “It’s ridiculous. Total Twilight Zone. And no, I’ve never done anything like that.”

President Trump responded to the Democrats’ latest efforts to stall or stop the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the nation’s highest court with fire and fury.

“They’re actually con artists because they know how quality this man is, and they’ve destroyed a man’s reputation and they want to destroy it even more … And they know it’s a big, fat con job,” he railed. “And they go into a room and I guarantee you, they laugh like hell at what they’ve pulled off on [the media] and on the public.”

They’ve pulled it off on the media because they’ll believe anything they hope to be true. But they haven’t fooled the public, Mr. President.

10 thoughts on “Two Men Come Forward to Judiciary Claiming They, Not Kavanaugh, Assaulted Ford”

  1. I simply cannot believe that the American PEOPLE are so gullible, naïve or even stupid enough not to see thru all the idiotic sh*t balls the Democrats are throwing just to see if any would stick to the wall! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, Democrats! No more foul balls! This vile hatred of yours has gone way too far and must STOP NOW! You will not destroy Kavannaugh, but will destroy yourselves, if you haven’t already!

  2. It’s past time to put this puppy to bed.. The whole thing is just to smear a good man and prevent him from serving his country.. Kavanaugh is a patriot.. The Dems are anything but patriotic.. They are a bunch of bullies and when they don’t get their way, they act like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum.. It’s time to disband the Democratic party two party system is broken and needs done away with.. Every country needs at least three parties sharing power.. VOTE in every election you can.. Do not vote for incumbents.. We need new blood in gov.. We need to get back to the Constitution..

  3. There is no way those accused witnesses will be allowed to testify, the Dimms have totally buffaloed the Grassley and the R’s…So far the D’s are running the table and protecting their witness…

  4. “There is zero chance that I would confuse them,” she claimed.

    Ford and her husband also claimed that the note her therapist took in 2012 were wrong. The therapist notes indicated that Ford said there were “4 boys” present. Ford and her husband claimed Ford said there were only ” 2 boys ” present. Then she went on to name ” 3 boys ” and conveniently cannot remember the name or address of the “4th boy” where this party supposedly took place. Now “2 boys ‘ admit to being the ones?
    How drunk/confused can she be if she have been if she can’t even remember how many boys were there.

  5. this is disgusting how one person’s life can be destroyed by this…this woman didn’t even know there were other men involved…was she drunk? is this why she can’t remember anything…I commend these two gentlemen for standing up and telling the truth…


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