Border Patrol Union Leader Says Drop In Illegal Immigration Under Trump Is ‘Miraculous’

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), claims that agents have seen a “miraculous” drop in the number of illegal immigrants trying to enter the country since President Trump took office.

Judd believes it’s tough talk about enforcing immigration laws – and then actually following through on those laws – that have caused an historic change.

“What we’ve seen is nothing short of miraculous,” he said. “We’ve never seen such a drop that we currently have.”

Via the Washington Examiner:

The significant downturn in the number of illegal border crossers between the U.S. and Mexico is “nothing short of miraculous,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd said on C-SPAN Monday.

“As far as the Trump administration’s efforts on immigration, this is something they campaigned heavily on,” he said. “At six months, where we are on meeting those promises, we are seeing nothing short of miraculous. If you look at the rhetoric that President Trump has given, it has caused a number of illegal border crossings to go down. We have never seen such a drop that we currently have.”

“There’s a vibe, there’s an energy in the Border Patrol that’s never been there before in 20 years that I’ve been in the patrol,” Judd added in a separate Fox News interview.

Listen to Judd’s encouraging assessment below (begins almost immediately at 0:45) …

Judd and the NBPC have supported Trump for quite some time, due to their dismay with how former president Obama dealt with illegal immigration.

During the past campaign, the union offered Trump a first-ever endorsement during a Presidential primary.

“We need a person in the White House who doesn’t fear the media, who doesn’t embrace political correctness, who doesn’t need the money, who is familiar with success, who won’t bow to foreign dictators, who is pro-military and values law enforcement, and who is angry for America and NOT subservient to the interests of other nations,” Judd said at the time. “Donald Trump is such a man.”

Now he’s working ‘miracles’ in regards to illegal immigration.

Looks like that endorsement is already paying dividends.

Do you support President Trump’s success in halting illegal immigration? Share your thoughts below!

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