Tucker Carlson to Replace Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly at 8:00

After much speculation, Fox News has confirmed that its top-rated host, Bill O’Reilly, will officially be leaving the network after more than 20 years with the company.

O’Reilly’s departure comes on the heels of a New York Times report alleging that Fox News’ parent company, 21st Century Fox, paid out $13 million to five women who accused the cable news host of sexual harassment.

Now that O’Reilly is out at Fox, the cable network has shaken up its primetime lineup. First, O’Reilly’s 8:00pm show will be replaced with Tucker Carlson Tonight. Carlson’s show initially ran at 7:00pm after Greta Van Susteren abruptly left the network, only to move to 9:00pm after Megyn Kelly jumped to NBC News.

In addition to Carlson, the entire Fox News primetime lineup will undergo a major change. The Five will move from 5:00pm to 9:00pm starting next Monday, and its time slot will be replaced by a brand new show hosted by Eric Bolling, to begin May 1. Bolling had been a host on The Five and will be replaced by Jesse Watters, whose segment “Watters World” was featured regularly on The O’Reilly Factor.

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Martha MacCallum will remain at the 7:00pm hour, although her show will get a new name, going from The First 100 Days to The Story with Martha MacCallum. Sean Hannity will remain at 10:00pm.

H/T: The Hill

Now that O’Reilly is out at Fox News, will you continue to watch the network? Share your thoughts below! 

175 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson to Replace Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly at 8:00”

  1. O’Reilly is someone the libturd demoncraps don’t like so they got these women to do something. These accusations have been floating around for a long time now. Why now after Trump was elected and O’Reilly is bee supporting him big time. This, I feel, is a sham. But O’Reilly will not be kept down and he may have a youtube channel or something. O’Reilly has bee doing this for 20 years.. I heard some of what those women said and I do not think its legitimate. If I was a lobturd demoncrap I too would make accusations when I could get part of 13 million to boot and get a republican out.

  2. It’s a tragedy to see someone like O’Reilly, who has so much to contribute to sane public discourse, booted from a network that he largely built. I didn’t always agree with him, but I always listened. Big loss. I like Tucker, but O’Reilly was different, and will be missed.


  4. There is OAN aka One American News on Fios channel 116 I think. At 8 pm est there’s the Ledger Report with Keith Ledger. He’s not as good as Bill but he is an alternative. Liberals worked hard to get rid of Bill but couldn’t. Unfortunately it looks like Bill took Bill out with possible poor conduct. Although we don’t know the Truth. At least one complainer had no evidence or witnesses so it is questionable since she has something to gain. Mine you I am not saying Bill’s innocent but all the facts should be in first before he gets convicted! No longer will watch Fox except for Lou Dobbs and Charles Payne…Tucker is OK but he’s no Bill…..I firmly believe FOX is doing a crash and burn. We’ll see..

  5. O’Reilly might just start another channel, He’s got enough money. Oprah started her own network. I used to like her till I found out she is a libturd demoncrap too. If she can do it I know O’Reilly can do it unless he decides to retire – after all he is 70 years old. But so is Trump and he is now our president.
    In my eyes this is all the doing of radical alt-left demoncraps – Period

  6. I’ll continue to watch. Fox is more than just O’Reilly. There are no other viable options out there. The rest are nothing but propaganda outlets. A cruel joke on journalism.

  7. You got that right women have become much to winy and use accusation to get money or advancement. Women should know how to handle situations if one should arise not stand there and wine. Very unfeminine.

  8. I will wait and see – not sure I will tune in again soon. Really liked Bill O’Reilly; and, am disgusted with how Fox treated him. Whining women also disgust me. Perhaps I should go back to another era and demand/sue the government for allowing one of my bosses to make sexual advances to me. Instead, I told him if he touched me one more time, I would slap his face. He was shocked-did not think he did anything wrong. Handle it yourself girls (that is what you are when you do not stand up and handle it yourself). I firmly believe you can – also stay out of potentially comprising positions. You know what they are. In my 80+ years I never met a situation I could not handle. Stop whining and blaming the man all the time. You contribute to it or it would not happen.

  9. I like Tucker, but Bill is being railroaded and and there is absolutely no proof for any of those accusations. None. Until there is some proof, the man is probably only guilty of non political correctness. I like Bill and probably never would have watched FOX News to begin with if it hadn’t been for him. It is FOX choice, but conservatives will leave in droves.

  10. I like Tucker Carlson ….but they should have never did what they did to Bill O’Reilly. For that reason I will no longer watch anything on Fox news. I am now in the process of getting Mark Levin TV. The Murdoch brothers made a fatal mistake for Fox…..it will now crash and burn and they deserve it. It was DISGUSTING what they did to the man that made them number 1.

  11. Bill O’Reilly had threatened to retire after the 2012 elections…..so in spite of feeling strongly that
    this was part of the “left’s” retaliation for his friendship (and voice during the campaign often) of
    Pres. Trump, I am happy to see him get a much-worked-for semi-retirement (sure he will still be
    out there promoting his wonderful books and visiting stages!) But I wish him well for his future!

  12. I was actually hoping for a 8:00 PM slot filled by Kimberly Guilfoyle and a show centered around her.

    With Bolling gone, there will be nobody designated to yell at Juan or Geraldo. Who’s gonna wake Juan up? Who’s gonna put the tacks on Geraldo’s chair. And why, oh why, is old Bush hand Dana Perino still on the show?

  13. From what I heard from one of the ladies is pretty tame!! If that is what he did shame on Fox!! She said they met for drinks and he gave her lots of leads and good advice and after he said come back to my sweet and then she declined and he said forget all the information I just gave you. I mean really he didn’t touch her, he didn’t demand anything from her and he never forced himself on her. These women come out and try to get their name out there and although she says she isn’t after any money… I’m sure she will get some!!! SAD

  14. I’m not sorry to O’Rielly fired, as I think he is a pompous ass. The only negative about his removal is how happy the Liberals are.

    Tucker Carlson is the best. He has the only new news show on TV that is differently entertaining. I hope he learns from the criminal behavior of Ailes and O’Rielly and remains respectful of all women with whom he works.

    I am NOT excited about Eric Bolling taking over anything. On “The Five” he is rude and interrupting, especially to anyone who differs with his opinion. I suspect this behavior will continue on his new show. I probably won’t watch it

    Martha is lovely with a personality to match. She and Shannon Breen are two women for which I would consider running away from home!

    I don’t watch Hannity. He’s one of the few remaining pompous asses left at Fox.

    All-in-all, there has certainly been a major shakeup at FoxNews. I think it was time to make some improvements, and I hope these new shows will be welcomed by Conservatives and detested by Liberals.

  15. I agree entirely. Americans have got to put an end to this nonsense.
    When the Left in this country finds a voice that opposes them successfully, they always try to get him with a sexual harassment charge. Roger Ailes shouldn’t have stepped down either.

  16. Anyone can claim sexual harassment – it doesn’t mean that it did NOT happen. Your suggestion for O’Rielly to sue is unlikely to happen if, in fact, he did do what he is accused of doing. The absence of a lawsuit and evidence of the $13million payout should at least cause you to be suspicious of O’Rielly’s predatory behavior. $13million is a lot of money to be paid out if you are innocent, isn’t it? If there were only accusations, I would agree with you, but there are other factors which make me suspicious about him.

  17. Unfair. Anyone can claim sexual harassment – it doesn’t mean that it happened. O’Reilly should counter sue. FOX should have stood up for O’Reilly. ANYONE can get screwed like this.

  18. I was glad to see Tucker get his own program. He is funny, smart and I love his personality, but he is no Bill O’Reilly, and doesn’t try to be. Fox caved into the LEFT, like so many other weaklings and I hope they pay for it. They will NEVER be able to replace The O’Reilly Factor !!! It was the best program on Fox. It won’t take too many moves like this one, for Fox to be just like any other news program. They won’t be the number for too much longer. What happened to “innocent till proven guilty”? Oh I forgot, the left leaning idiots don’t believe in that theory. They just say whatever they want and hope everyone believes it. Fox has stooped to the level of the LEFT. They have ruined a good mans legacy, because they caved to pressure. Fox has definitely lost their class.

  19. Now I can finally drop cable tv! Thank you Fox for getting rid of the only reasons I watched you live. The repercussions will not only effect your network viewership, but cable companies who had exclusivity to your channel. Hello Sling TV, Hulu, and Netflix! Very sorry to see Bill go, but happy to save money and I’m sure I’ll see him on the internet!

  20. Carlson has a better balanced attitude about the nonsense in DC and society in general. He isn’t a war monger and his current arguments are all valid. Go get ’em, kid!

  21. There’s a lot of good shows on FNN. Bill will be missed, but life and Fox News will go on. And I’m surprised Shep hasn’t come out of the Liberal closet yet.

  22. Fox needs to get rid of Shep with his constant criticism of Trump; his “may, perhaps, could possibly;” statements of the problems Trump “COULD OR WILL HAVE.” Shep’s NOT news, he’s liberal progressive OPION.

  23. I thoroughly expected Tucker to move to the 8 pm slot. I hoped, but didn’t expect, Jesse Watters to move to the 9 pm slot. I WILL NOT be watching ‘The (Stupid) Five’ in the 9 pm slot. Prime Time? They didn’t deserve the 5 pm slot. I DID NOT expect the elder Murdoch to cave to his sons. The sponsors and the liberal media, along with Murdoch, himself a liberal, have succeeded in screwing up the only outlet that offers ANY conservative view point. How are conservatives going to be expected to keep up with the work and success of President Trump?

  24. Well that does it for me, the damn libtards win again. I will never buy anything advertised on fox cable news. I will not be watching either unless it is to see what products to avoid in the future.
    Another good guy stabbed in the back without a trial. What happened to you are innocent until proven guilty? I will remain a premium member on his website and will continue to read the site and buy his books. He really doesn’t need FOX but FOX will miss him when their ratings go to hell.

  25. I agree, make no mistake Independents. and Conserv. the left is trying to destroy this country. They want a Muslim country and a One World Govt. If it happens, the feminist and gays who want this type of land will get their just rewards.

  26. All of these law suits may well back fire on women in general. If a manager, corporate leader, ceo, etc thing they may get a harassment suit from a female co worker, they are more likely to hire a male instead. Hello new glass ceiling. I also think the right tort reforms and caps on court awards might just slow down these law suits.

  27. This sex-harass syndrome is the lurking reason why it took so long for the ladies to get their “equal rights of employment”. It really is not a level paying field between women and men. Insert ladies into the workforce and immediately you have a non-productive barrier between workers; starting with a separate rest room, then heading into restrained communications, as some parts of communication become off limits because they can trigger harassment. Additionally, women lay claim to more time-off privileges. So to claim general “equality” in general is an impossibility. Business usually has a tolerance limit for troublesome services. More often than not, those troublesome services are eliminated; companies find ways to get along without them.

  28. Pizzagate is a debunked[2][3] conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. The theory, which went viral, claimed that John Podesta’s emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring. The false theory has been extensively discredited by a wide array of organizations and described as a “fictitious conspiracy theory” by the District of Columbia Police Department.

  29. He was not very friendly to Trump. After the bombing did he seem gleeful. He said that the pizzagate story was fake news, and spoke about it’s fakeness at length. I wrote to him and told him that it was only becausea he was a pervert, that he fails to see it for what it is. I told him all the reasons why pizzagate was a true story, and that if I ever hear him say it is fake again, I will spend the next 1,000 hours on the internet telling everyone who has not read his stories of sex abuse about it. Well, it looks like the matter took care of itself. Glad he’s gone. He a fake, phony, fraud and pervert.

  30. I’m not terribly concerned with who is at what time slot. BUT, I will not be watching FOX at 9pm when I usually watch entertainment shows. So, Good-bye to The Five. I will miss you but I can’t control you.

  31. O’Reilly was a big draw for FOX News. Fox will take a dip in viewership. Of course, everyday they are shifting toward the left. They won’t be number 1 very soon.

  32. I agree with your assessment. It really shows just how much LA and NYC, liberal to the hilt, control video.
    I think YouTube will be showing it’s colors by crushing any conservative video soon.



  34. IMO.. bad decision O’Reilly is just one of the few that isn’t biased.. like the “other channels”, ie CNN and those idiot snowflakes……….. Fox is the only station we watch now……. because the other folks on CNN, etc… just need to put on their “GROWN UP PANTS”……………

  35. Musical “…’Anchors’… Aweigh”…(away)
    “She said…he said”…but never “did”.
    “Spin Zone Never Dies”…
    $13M…? For what?
    “…Two to Tango (Tangle)…”
    Carlson’s good…but dont’ watch cbl or sat anyway…

  36. Fox News is on a roll. Never cared much for Bill but watched his show on occasion. If they are going to get rid of someone as talented as Bill O’Reilly what is stopping them from getting rid of Trump Basher Shepard Smith! This no talent Democratic instigator can not quit talking or bashing about our President elect Donald j Trump. Please Fox if you are doing things to increase your viewers and make your programming better, than please dump Shepard Smith. As long as you let these Clinton Cronies continue they will give your Network a bad rap and take away your look as a fair reporting News Network.

  37. I’m a woman. This happened to me. I’m at the eye doctor and the first person, also a woman, doing the first part of the exam asks me about my red hair. Is it natural? Well, I say, not anymore – I’m old so I dye it now, but it’s the color it used to be. She then says “so it was always red?” I say yes. She then says “you’re not that light.” I laugh and say “well, I’m not Irish.” Like duh, I’m in Florida. If she were to see the untanned parts of me she’d see LIGHT enough. If she was observant, since she is right next to my face, she would also see FRECKLES.

    But no matter. She seemed friendly. Then she tells me what ethnicity SHE is (I did not ask her), some kind of Native American and something else, I forget, and says that people think she’s Hispanic and then says “that’s because they are stupid.” I didn’t say anything to that. Like, what, people are supposed to know exactly what ethnic groups someone might be? Did she LOOK Hispanic? Yes.

    And so, the next time I see her she is supervising a trainee during same part of eye exam and I decide to continue what I thought was a friendly conversation. HER hair looked like she either streaked it or had sparkles in it, so I asked her to bend her head down and I can’t tell – so I ask “what did you do to your hair?” Well, turns out she has some kind of disease and is losing her hair. Well, I didn’t know that, had no way TO know that and whatever. I was just continuing a convo she started on the prior visit. AND I was quite friendly.

    WELL. Next I find out that this tender hearted snowflake that thinks people that don’t know exactly what ethnic groups she is composed of are stupid, SHE gets all insulted, crying, hurt. I get a letter accusing me of criticizing her. I did no such thing.

    But you can see how this works. IF ANYTHING, she could be accused of harassing ME making inappropriate comments about my ginger hair and my skin color. She can also be accused of being STUPID for not realizing that what parts she can see of me are tan – this is Florida. But that’s how that goes.

  38. I do not know what the truth is I am not privy to all the information. I will say there is a lot of sexual harassment talk going about and maybe some of it is true but it does seem like a lot of the harassed women went to a very liberal station when the left FOX so how much was their fault and how much was the mens fault I don’t know. I do know that women lead men on many times and everything is fine as long as they get their way but as soon as they don’t they scream sexual assault or harassment and demand money or position and when they don’t get it they break out the blue dress with stains that they have kept as evidence, while they were willing to do what ever it took to get their way right up until the limit was met then they shout LOOK at this I was abused.

  39. I believe that it is true, but SO WHAT?? The majority of the 13 million went to ONE SPLIT TAIL that O’reilly chewed out in front of the crew as I heard it. This PC world is the primary reason I could not wait to get the hell out of the management world!!! Chewing someone’s ass should not be a cause to discipline anyone. FOX will be NOT AS GOOD without O’Reilly. I stopped watching his show some time ago and started watching FOX Business and OAN!!!

  40. I like Bill O’Reilly and would much rather he stayed but his decision has been made and plans
    have been laid. However I will give Mr Tucker a shot to see what he brings to the table. He
    will have to fill some bit shoes to make it work.

  41. I love Tucker Carlson and think he has a wonderful career ahead of him. And I want him on Fox. I do not believe Bill O’Reilly should be taken off air. This is the work of the leftist that are determined to destroy any and every conservative voice in America.

  42. O’Reilly was becoming obnoxious. He never let anyone ever complete their statements after he asked the question. It didn’t matter whether they agreed with him or not. He is a one man show and should be doing just that. Whether he is guilty of acting “too familiar or too friendly” with the office girls is something between him and them and the networks. I don’t care. Fox hires the best looking women, smart and sexy to work there. What would you expect to happen? What did they expect would happen? Sexual harassment is so vast in its interpretation. A woman could hear she looks sexy with her outfit and that is harassment. A man that calls a minority clerk “chocolate milk” seems to be asking for backlash if she doesn’t like it or sees a money making opportunity. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson has huge ratings and I think he’s a great replacement to get out of the rut this network has assumed. Hannity should be in the 9 PM slot instead of the Five who just bash each other for an hour with nonsense. Nobody cares what Juan Williams thinks…nobody that is a Fox follower. They hate him. He’s the opposition and while it may make for a few tense moments for the watcher they generally quit watching the show because of him. There needs to be more news, new news reported where every show isn’t reporting the very same thing. It gets obnoxious and time to change the channel. Now is a good time to shake things up and get serious about news reporting.

  43. There is no way that these intelligent, professional, woman are going to make allegations of sexual abuse against someone like Bill O’Reilly if it were not true. Most of them are making good salaries with excellent benefits. They are also working toward goals in their careers. Who, in their right mind, would believe that these woman, en-mass, would file lawsuits if all of this were not 100% true. I personally think that Fox News will be better off without O’Reilly. Believe that most people were getting tired of his daily show.

  44. O’Reilly Is intelligent, witty and fair. He has presented a classy show, since it’s inception. I hate to see it go. I don’t buy a pig in a poke, and as far as the women claiming sexual harassment, maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. These women know if they make claims, they normally get paid.

  45. I could never stand O’Riely and it was his self-importance that allowed him to (maybe) abuse the women. Tucker is so much better that Bill ever was, more entertaining but as tough without being a blow hard.

    Good change Fox. You may have a chance to get me back as a regular viewer yet. The dead wood is going.

  46. What in the hell, dead wood, dead wood does not have the ratings that O’riley had, he made Fox Millions, you obviously don’t know the meaning of deadwood! I am not judging whether or not he is guilty of the charges, but as a commentator, he has no equal. Just because you don’t like someone is no reason to resort to insults.

  47. O’Reilly is someone the libturd demoncraps don’t like so they got these women to do something. These accusations have been floating around for a long time now. Why now after Trump was elected and O’Reilly is bee supporting him big time. This, I feel, is a sham. But O’Reilly will not be kept down and he may have a youtube channel or something. O’Reilly has bee doing this for 20 years.. I heard some of what those women said and I do not think its legitimate. If I was a lobturd demoncrap I too would make accusations when I could get part of 13 million to boot and get a republican out.

  48. It’s a tragedy to see someone like O’Reilly, who has so much to contribute to sane public discourse, booted from a network that he largely built. I didn’t always agree with him, but I always listened. Big loss. I like Tucker, but O’Reilly was different, and will be missed.


  50. There is OAN aka One American News on Fios channel 116 I think. At 8 pm est there’s the Ledger Report with Keith Ledger. He’s not as good as Bill but he is an alternative. Liberals worked hard to get rid of Bill but couldn’t. Unfortunately it looks like Bill took Bill out with possible poor conduct. Although we don’t know the Truth. At least one complainer had no evidence or witnesses so it is questionable since she has something to gain. Mine you I am not saying Bill’s innocent but all the facts should be in first before he gets convicted! No longer will watch Fox except for Lou Dobbs and Charles Payne…Tucker is OK but he’s no Bill…..I firmly believe FOX is doing a crash and burn. We’ll see..

  51. I’ll continue to watch. Fox is more than just O’Reilly. There are no other viable options out there. The rest are nothing but propaganda outlets. A cruel joke on journalism.

    1. O’Reilly might just start another channel, He’s got enough money. Oprah started her own network. I used to like her till I found out she is a libturd demoncrap too. If she can do it I know O’Reilly can do it unless he decides to retire – after all he is 70 years old. But so is Trump and he is now our president.
      In my eyes this is all the doing of radical alt-left demoncraps – Period

  52. I will wait and see – not sure I will tune in again soon. Really liked Bill O’Reilly; and, am disgusted with how Fox treated him. Whining women also disgust me. Perhaps I should go back to another era and demand/sue the government for allowing one of my bosses to make sexual advances to me. Instead, I told him if he touched me one more time, I would slap his face. He was shocked-did not think he did anything wrong. Handle it yourself girls (that is what you are when you do not stand up and handle it yourself). I firmly believe you can – also stay out of potentially comprising positions. You know what they are. In my 80+ years I never met a situation I could not handle. Stop whining and blaming the man all the time. You contribute to it or it would not happen.

    1. You got that right women have become much to winy and use accusation to get money or advancement. Women should know how to handle situations if one should arise not stand there and wine. Very unfeminine.

  53. I like Tucker, but Bill is being railroaded and and there is absolutely no proof for any of those accusations. None. Until there is some proof, the man is probably only guilty of non political correctness. I like Bill and probably never would have watched FOX News to begin with if it hadn’t been for him. It is FOX choice, but conservatives will leave in droves.

  54. I like Tucker Carlson ….but they should have never did what they did to Bill O’Reilly. For that reason I will no longer watch anything on Fox news. I am now in the process of getting Mark Levin TV. The Murdoch brothers made a fatal mistake for Fox…..it will now crash and burn and they deserve it. It was DISGUSTING what they did to the man that made them number 1.

  55. Bill O’Reilly had threatened to retire after the 2012 elections…..so in spite of feeling strongly that
    this was part of the “left’s” retaliation for his friendship (and voice during the campaign often) of
    Pres. Trump, I am happy to see him get a much-worked-for semi-retirement (sure he will still be
    out there promoting his wonderful books and visiting stages!) But I wish him well for his future!

  56. I was actually hoping for a 8:00 PM slot filled by Kimberly Guilfoyle and a show centered around her.

    With Bolling gone, there will be nobody designated to yell at Juan or Geraldo. Who’s gonna wake Juan up? Who’s gonna put the tacks on Geraldo’s chair. And why, oh why, is old Bush hand Dana Perino still on the show?

  57. From what I heard from one of the ladies is pretty tame!! If that is what he did shame on Fox!! She said they met for drinks and he gave her lots of leads and good advice and after he said come back to my sweet and then she declined and he said forget all the information I just gave you. I mean really he didn’t touch her, he didn’t demand anything from her and he never forced himself on her. These women come out and try to get their name out there and although she says she isn’t after any money… I’m sure she will get some!!! SAD

  58. I’m not sorry to O’Rielly fired, as I think he is a pompous ass. The only negative about his removal is how happy the Liberals are.

    Tucker Carlson is the best. He has the only new news show on TV that is differently entertaining. I hope he learns from the criminal behavior of Ailes and O’Rielly and remains respectful of all women with whom he works.

    I am NOT excited about Eric Bolling taking over anything. On “The Five” he is rude and interrupting, especially to anyone who differs with his opinion. I suspect this behavior will continue on his new show. I probably won’t watch it

    Martha is lovely with a personality to match. She and Shannon Breen are two women for which I would consider running away from home!

    I don’t watch Hannity. He’s one of the few remaining pompous asses left at Fox.

    All-in-all, there has certainly been a major shakeup at FoxNews. I think it was time to make some improvements, and I hope these new shows will be welcomed by Conservatives and detested by Liberals.

  59. Unfair. Anyone can claim sexual harassment – it doesn’t mean that it happened. O’Reilly should counter sue. FOX should have stood up for O’Reilly. ANYONE can get screwed like this.

    1. Anyone can claim sexual harassment – it doesn’t mean that it did NOT happen. Your suggestion for O’Rielly to sue is unlikely to happen if, in fact, he did do what he is accused of doing. The absence of a lawsuit and evidence of the $13million payout should at least cause you to be suspicious of O’Rielly’s predatory behavior. $13million is a lot of money to be paid out if you are innocent, isn’t it? If there were only accusations, I would agree with you, but there are other factors which make me suspicious about him.

    2. I agree entirely. Americans have got to put an end to this nonsense.
      When the Left in this country finds a voice that opposes them successfully, they always try to get him with a sexual harassment charge. Roger Ailes shouldn’t have stepped down either.

  60. I was glad to see Tucker get his own program. He is funny, smart and I love his personality, but he is no Bill O’Reilly, and doesn’t try to be. Fox caved into the LEFT, like so many other weaklings and I hope they pay for it. They will NEVER be able to replace The O’Reilly Factor !!! It was the best program on Fox. It won’t take too many moves like this one, for Fox to be just like any other news program. They won’t be the number for too much longer. What happened to “innocent till proven guilty”? Oh I forgot, the left leaning idiots don’t believe in that theory. They just say whatever they want and hope everyone believes it. Fox has stooped to the level of the LEFT. They have ruined a good mans legacy, because they caved to pressure. Fox has definitely lost their class.

  61. Now I can finally drop cable tv! Thank you Fox for getting rid of the only reasons I watched you live. The repercussions will not only effect your network viewership, but cable companies who had exclusivity to your channel. Hello Sling TV, Hulu, and Netflix! Very sorry to see Bill go, but happy to save money and I’m sure I’ll see him on the internet!

  62. Fox needs to get rid of Shep with his constant criticism of Trump; his “may, perhaps, could possibly;” statements of the problems Trump “COULD OR WILL HAVE.” Shep’s NOT news, he’s liberal progressive OPION.

  63. I thoroughly expected Tucker to move to the 8 pm slot. I hoped, but didn’t expect, Jesse Watters to move to the 9 pm slot. I WILL NOT be watching ‘The (Stupid) Five’ in the 9 pm slot. Prime Time? They didn’t deserve the 5 pm slot. I DID NOT expect the elder Murdoch to cave to his sons. The sponsors and the liberal media, along with Murdoch, himself a liberal, have succeeded in screwing up the only outlet that offers ANY conservative view point. How are conservatives going to be expected to keep up with the work and success of President Trump?

  64. Well that does it for me, the damn libtards win again. I will never buy anything advertised on fox cable news. I will not be watching either unless it is to see what products to avoid in the future.
    Another good guy stabbed in the back without a trial. What happened to you are innocent until proven guilty? I will remain a premium member on his website and will continue to read the site and buy his books. He really doesn’t need FOX but FOX will miss him when their ratings go to hell.

    1. I agree, make no mistake Independents. and Conserv. the left is trying to destroy this country. They want a Muslim country and a One World Govt. If it happens, the feminist and gays who want this type of land will get their just rewards.

  65. All of these law suits may well back fire on women in general. If a manager, corporate leader, ceo, etc thing they may get a harassment suit from a female co worker, they are more likely to hire a male instead. Hello new glass ceiling. I also think the right tort reforms and caps on court awards might just slow down these law suits.

  66. This sex-harass syndrome is the lurking reason why it took so long for the ladies to get their “equal rights of employment”. It really is not a level paying field between women and men. Insert ladies into the workforce and immediately you have a non-productive barrier between workers; starting with a separate rest room, then heading into restrained communications, as some parts of communication become off limits because they can trigger harassment. Additionally, women lay claim to more time-off privileges. So to claim general “equality” in general is an impossibility. Business usually has a tolerance limit for troublesome services. More often than not, those troublesome services are eliminated; companies find ways to get along without them.

  67. He was not very friendly to Trump. After the bombing did he seem gleeful. He said that the pizzagate story was fake news, and spoke about it’s fakeness at length. I wrote to him and told him that it was only becausea he was a pervert, that he fails to see it for what it is. I told him all the reasons why pizzagate was a true story, and that if I ever hear him say it is fake again, I will spend the next 1,000 hours on the internet telling everyone who has not read his stories of sex abuse about it. Well, it looks like the matter took care of itself. Glad he’s gone. He a fake, phony, fraud and pervert.

    1. Pizzagate is a debunked[2][3] conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. The theory, which went viral, claimed that John Podesta’s emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contained coded messages referring to human trafficking and connecting a number of restaurants in the United States and members of the Democratic Party with a fabricated child-sex ring. The false theory has been extensively discredited by a wide array of organizations and described as a “fictitious conspiracy theory” by the District of Columbia Police Department.

  68. I’m not terribly concerned with who is at what time slot. BUT, I will not be watching FOX at 9pm when I usually watch entertainment shows. So, Good-bye to The Five. I will miss you but I can’t control you.

    1. I agree with your assessment. It really shows just how much LA and NYC, liberal to the hilt, control video.
      I think YouTube will be showing it’s colors by crushing any conservative video soon.

  69. IMO.. bad decision O’Reilly is just one of the few that isn’t biased.. like the “other channels”, ie CNN and those idiot snowflakes……….. Fox is the only station we watch now……. because the other folks on CNN, etc… just need to put on their “GROWN UP PANTS”……………

  70. Musical “…’Anchors’… Aweigh”…(away)
    “She said…he said”…but never “did”.
    “Spin Zone Never Dies”…
    $13M…? For what?
    “…Two to Tango (Tangle)…”
    Carlson’s good…but dont’ watch cbl or sat anyway…

  71. Fox News is on a roll. Never cared much for Bill but watched his show on occasion. If they are going to get rid of someone as talented as Bill O’Reilly what is stopping them from getting rid of Trump Basher Shepard Smith! This no talent Democratic instigator can not quit talking or bashing about our President elect Donald j Trump. Please Fox if you are doing things to increase your viewers and make your programming better, than please dump Shepard Smith. As long as you let these Clinton Cronies continue they will give your Network a bad rap and take away your look as a fair reporting News Network.

  72. I do not know what the truth is I am not privy to all the information. I will say there is a lot of sexual harassment talk going about and maybe some of it is true but it does seem like a lot of the harassed women went to a very liberal station when the left FOX so how much was their fault and how much was the mens fault I don’t know. I do know that women lead men on many times and everything is fine as long as they get their way but as soon as they don’t they scream sexual assault or harassment and demand money or position and when they don’t get it they break out the blue dress with stains that they have kept as evidence, while they were willing to do what ever it took to get their way right up until the limit was met then they shout LOOK at this I was abused.

    1. I’m a woman. This happened to me. I’m at the eye doctor and the first person, also a woman, doing the first part of the exam asks me about my red hair. Is it natural? Well, I say, not anymore – I’m old so I dye it now, but it’s the color it used to be. She then says “so it was always red?” I say yes. She then says “you’re not that light.” I laugh and say “well, I’m not Irish.” Like duh, I’m in Florida. If she were to see the untanned parts of me she’d see LIGHT enough. If she was observant, since she is right next to my face, she would also see FRECKLES.

      But no matter. She seemed friendly. Then she tells me what ethnicity SHE is (I did not ask her), some kind of Native American and something else, I forget, and says that people think she’s Hispanic and then says “that’s because they are stupid.” I didn’t say anything to that. Like, what, people are supposed to know exactly what ethnic groups someone might be? Did she LOOK Hispanic? Yes.

      And so, the next time I see her she is supervising a trainee during same part of eye exam and I decide to continue what I thought was a friendly conversation. HER hair looked like she either streaked it or had sparkles in it, so I asked her to bend her head down and I can’t tell – so I ask “what did you do to your hair?” Well, turns out she has some kind of disease and is losing her hair. Well, I didn’t know that, had no way TO know that and whatever. I was just continuing a convo she started on the prior visit. AND I was quite friendly.

      WELL. Next I find out that this tender hearted snowflake that thinks people that don’t know exactly what ethnic groups she is composed of are stupid, SHE gets all insulted, crying, hurt. I get a letter accusing me of criticizing her. I did no such thing.

      But you can see how this works. IF ANYTHING, she could be accused of harassing ME making inappropriate comments about my ginger hair and my skin color. She can also be accused of being STUPID for not realizing that what parts she can see of me are tan – this is Florida. But that’s how that goes.

  73. I believe that it is true, but SO WHAT?? The majority of the 13 million went to ONE SPLIT TAIL that O’reilly chewed out in front of the crew as I heard it. This PC world is the primary reason I could not wait to get the hell out of the management world!!! Chewing someone’s ass should not be a cause to discipline anyone. FOX will be NOT AS GOOD without O’Reilly. I stopped watching his show some time ago and started watching FOX Business and OAN!!!

  74. I like Bill O’Reilly and would much rather he stayed but his decision has been made and plans
    have been laid. However I will give Mr Tucker a shot to see what he brings to the table. He
    will have to fill some bit shoes to make it work.

  75. I love Tucker Carlson and think he has a wonderful career ahead of him. And I want him on Fox. I do not believe Bill O’Reilly should be taken off air. This is the work of the leftist that are determined to destroy any and every conservative voice in America.

  76. O’Reilly was becoming obnoxious. He never let anyone ever complete their statements after he asked the question. It didn’t matter whether they agreed with him or not. He is a one man show and should be doing just that. Whether he is guilty of acting “too familiar or too friendly” with the office girls is something between him and them and the networks. I don’t care. Fox hires the best looking women, smart and sexy to work there. What would you expect to happen? What did they expect would happen? Sexual harassment is so vast in its interpretation. A woman could hear she looks sexy with her outfit and that is harassment. A man that calls a minority clerk “chocolate milk” seems to be asking for backlash if she doesn’t like it or sees a money making opportunity. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson has huge ratings and I think he’s a great replacement to get out of the rut this network has assumed. Hannity should be in the 9 PM slot instead of the Five who just bash each other for an hour with nonsense. Nobody cares what Juan Williams thinks…nobody that is a Fox follower. They hate him. He’s the opposition and while it may make for a few tense moments for the watcher they generally quit watching the show because of him. There needs to be more news, new news reported where every show isn’t reporting the very same thing. It gets obnoxious and time to change the channel. Now is a good time to shake things up and get serious about news reporting.

    1. Burnet1187…. I agree…. where’s the proof……. what happened to innocent until proven guilty…… oh yea…… the snowflakes are in town now !!!

  77. O’Reilly Is intelligent, witty and fair. He has presented a classy show, since it’s inception. I hate to see it go. I don’t buy a pig in a poke, and as far as the women claiming sexual harassment, maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. These women know if they make claims, they normally get paid.

    1. There is no way that these intelligent, professional, woman are going to make allegations of sexual abuse against someone like Bill O’Reilly if it were not true. Most of them are making good salaries with excellent benefits. They are also working toward goals in their careers. Who, in their right mind, would believe that these woman, en-mass, would file lawsuits if all of this were not 100% true. I personally think that Fox News will be better off without O’Reilly. Believe that most people were getting tired of his daily show.

  78. I could never stand O’Riely and it was his self-importance that allowed him to (maybe) abuse the women. Tucker is so much better that Bill ever was, more entertaining but as tough without being a blow hard.

    Good change Fox. You may have a chance to get me back as a regular viewer yet. The dead wood is going.

      1. What in the hell, dead wood, dead wood does not have the ratings that O’riley had, he made Fox Millions, you obviously don’t know the meaning of deadwood! I am not judging whether or not he is guilty of the charges, but as a commentator, he has no equal. Just because you don’t like someone is no reason to resort to insults.

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