Liberals like to call Bill Clinton a working man’s Democrat, who can reach out to blue collar workers across the country. Well, newly released emails from Wikileaks reveal that President Clinton had contempt for working class voters, specifically scoffing at them during a private fundraiser for worrying about the economic impact of immigration.
The former president also claimed that “non-Evangelical white working class people” are simply supporting Trump because “they have an IV hooked up to FOX News.
The leaked emails show that Clinton viewed Donald Trump as a “master brander” who is “sensing sort of the emotional landscape of people he’s selling to.” Furthermore, Clinton callously rejected the concerns of West Virginia coal workers that immigration had hurt their lives: “So when Trump says, ‘I’ll build a wall around Mexico and no more illegal immigrants can get in. Believe me, nobody in coal country lost a job because of a Latin-American immigrant. They lost their industry.”
Clinton’s comments come on the heels of his wife promising to put coal miners out of work if she’s elected president, which sheds even more light into how this family views working Americans.
Clearly Bill didn’t want these comments to be made public, as they were made during a closed-door fundraiser for rich liberals who likely look down at working class voters.
Clinton’s statement is eerily similar to Hillary calling Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables” and President Obama who claimed that Americans cling to their guns and their religion. Was this Bill’s “47 percent” moment?
H/T: Daily Caller
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