AOC And Omar Call For ‘Nationalizing’ Healthcare And Removing ‘Profit Motive’ From Coronavirus Decisions

On Thursday night, far-left Democratic Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar posted videos seeming to call for the U.S. government to have socialist solutions for the coronavirus pandemic.

Both women want the removal of a “profit motive” from U.S. coronavirus decisions and the “nationalization” of America’s health care system. They each have joined many in their party who have been critical of President Donald Trump allowing the governors and state legislatures to handle the virus in their respective states.


The Hill posted the videos via Twitter, but it was unclear exactly when they were recorded.

AOC’s Socialist Pitch

“For some reason we have an enormous problem with enacting the Defense Production Act for saving lives and guaranteeing health care,” Ocasio-Cortez says in her video. “We have to start demanding… that we strip profit motive out of our decisions and reprioritize the public good and the health of everyday people.”


President Trump invoked Defense Production Act in late March to direct General Motors to start making ventilators for America’s hospitals.

Ocasio-Cortez said the U.S. faces “a much deeper problem with the systemic priorities that we currently have in the United States. But it’s never too late to change it. We must organize to change those priorities from our budget to our production.”

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Omar’s Socialist Pitch

Rep. Omar took direct aim at President Trump’s decision to let states pursue their own policies.

“The states themselves are being put at disadvantage when we have the federal government bidding against them” for medical equipment, Omar insisted.


“Big corporations may not want to produce necessary items because it’s not profitable for them,” she continued. “That’s already, I think, understood right now by many of the public and we’re hearing so many people raise their voices every single day and we’re actually addressing the systematic problem that we have where we create a hierarchy and profits are always placed above people.”

“As a federal government we have the proper tools to deploy and it’s deplorable, really, and unconscionable that every single tool that we have is not being deployed right now and it’s shameful that we continue to put lives at risk,” Omar continued.


‘It is important for us to nationalize the supply chain, it’s important for us to take action in nationalizing our health care system’

She added, “And so it is important for us to nationalize the supply chain, it’s important for us to take action in nationalizing our health care system. It’s important for us to really the make the call for the nationalization of our supply chain and our health care system.”

Both Ocasio-Cortez and Omar are self-described socialists who, not surprisingly endorsed fellow socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president in the 2020 presidential Democratic primaries. Sanders has since dropped out of the race where the frontrunner and likely nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, remains.

52 thoughts on “AOC And Omar Call For ‘Nationalizing’ Healthcare And Removing ‘Profit Motive’ From Coronavirus Decisions”

  1. so, somehow AOC and Omar are going to consolidate 1,000,000 + trucking firms, railroads, small local delivery business, etc all under one roof, with someone running it that has not a clue hot to get a load of celery from ca to ny before it spoils? Look how well that worked out for Venezuala, Cuba, and EVERY other place that EVER tried it. And they’re like, what, 1/10th the size of US?
    These two truly are a very special kind of stupid.

  2. Miss Bug eyed and Turban Head are so stupid with their demands. First of all, who do they think they are to tell all Americans how they should live! I did mot vote for either of them and they do not represent me. Suggest they talk to their own people in their districts! These two and the other two squad members need to be stopped now!

  3. If we have learned anything from this experience is=ts that socialism or communism is part of the problem. It is why they want us to believe attributing this outbreak and calling it the Wuchon flu is racist which are always the issue with AOC and Omar two world class ignorant racist bigots for the 21st century. They have dismissed cures and their districts like most sanctuary districts have been hardest hit. A medical solution is required but as we have witnessed the Chinese example socialized or communist solutions are even worse. AOC and Omar are so racist they think it makes their TDS sane.

  4. If rent is to be withheld as they suggest, will they pay what the landlord owes, mortgage, insurance, maintenance, etc etc.
    How easy to say to stop rent charges but no back up for those that own the properties. Bet if they owned property their position would be different.

  5. Yes, let’s take the profit motive completely out of medicine. That way, no top students will want to become doctors or nurses, or chemists (to discover new medicines), virologists, pharmacists, etc. No businesses will want to make medical equipment, invent new techniques and equipment, ventilators, etc. Soon we’ll be back in the Dark Ages, medically speaking.

  6. Senators serve six-year terms, and Congressmen two years. So 12 seems like a doable number assuming you want them to be the same. So the only other choice would be six years. This is merely my opinion. I have seen others espousing 12 years, as well.

    But as long as we get term limits, I won’t quibble on whatever the number is–as long as it isn’t more than 12.

  7. The Republican party of today identifies more with the past Democrat party of old, that used to support American values, law and order, our flag, a sovereign nation with borders and the working people of America. Democrats have gone socialist and anti-American. That’s why, as a lifelong Democrat, I moved to the Republican party.

  8. i could not have said it better OliveBulb I agree with you vote Trump 2020 vote the Squad, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler all out of office if you want to save America

  9. These two woman do not belong in our politics. The only ambition they have is to destroy the Republic. Now that Bernie is out of the running he will join with the squad and push the Democrats even further to the left. The party has changed so radically in the last eight years it is hardly recognizable. Nancy used to be a smart, astute politician she has turned into a nasty shrew with vengeance and a vendetta against the POTUS. She and Schiff with their witch hunts have divided the country.

  10. PS to finish my thought

    AOC, Waters, Pelosi the managers of the cities most assailed by the flu are sanctuary cities. For decades Waters and Pelosi and now AOC and Omar have added their vacuous weight, want us to assume if a minority person dies of the flu its not because they have been told Trump is a racist and should not be listened to, ignore the fact Pelosi’s grandstanding for pork attachments to life saving legislation and finally their own abrogation to make this about white people versus black and other minorities instead of making the issue about personal hygiene (Although it buggers the imagination how hundreds of thousands of Democratic party subsidized drug addicts care about hygiene on any day.) and practicing self defense. In other words the DNC platform itself is designed to cause death among its constituents while professing that making bigger government is the solution when proof from the last 3 years is over whelming contrasted to the preceding 8 years, big ger government socialism is never the solution to anything it merely empowers a rich intellectual class even if they are intellectually disabled by TDS..

  11. There are two issues Americans are addressing we accept that there is the real potential for a pandemic but we question how serous a threat it is. Estimates of 200 4300 thousand to 1 or 2 million has been greatly inflated and the recovery rate continues to marginalize the numbers of deaths. So it does seem to many people a hax is being perpetrated and no one who thinks for themselves is readily accepting that the extreme measures taken are necessary even as the regular flu is killing many thousand more Americans so far this season. So there is that.
    Add to that every time a Bill is proposed to deal with the “crisis” largely a crisis of USG confiscation of our lives, Pelosi and her extremists obstruct passage of the Bill intended to save lives and immediately delay the process by attempting to add billions of dollars to pay for everything from abortions to writing checks for illegal migrants.
    They just get creepier and creepier supposedly President Trump has not taken enough action but they expect to greedily shove billions off to their special interests in this time of emergency.
    Now AOC and Omar who are racist bigots themselves accuse white people of causing black deaths Latinos and any other person they care to,making the issue one of race, these minorities are not dying from the flu they are dying because of white people. They are careful not to admit they have fought the President’s life saving precautions to forward financial agendas even trillions for reparation

  12. Political Insider Please tell me wjy I am being censured now! The past few days you are not letting me post. You delete them or something. Thought this venue was not into censuring. And I have donated in the past. But will not do so again as long as my posts are censured!

  13. Talk like this from any Democrats, especially the younger, far left ones like these two, shouldn’t surprise anyone. Our electorate needs to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee . . . !

  14. look; at the cost of the last few weeks and then tell the world how America can pay for Socialism this is what happens people don’t start new businesses, why work the government will take care of you? then there’s nothing in Wal-wart to eat.

  15. In PR they often refers to AOC as a “NewyoRican” The major of San Juan is a corrupt Marxist, but most of the population rejects outright independence from the U.S.

  16. Anna Laura Leal

    AOC is native born American from PR. Many from PR don’t like the USA, prefering “independence”, the kind espoused by
    Karl Marx.

    Omar was a refugee from Somalia. She should know better than to criticize the country that saved her life.

  17. These two prostitutes should go back to the whorehouses they came from and make money like they are used to doing instead of giving us all indigestion from all their bullshit and lies they tell about president Trump and his administration.

  18. Get it through your heads you ignorant POS’s! THERE WILL BE NO SOCIALISM IN THIS COUNTRY! No stupid new green deal, and no more damn democrat bullshit!

    Dear God, vote these lunatics out of office… do NOT allow them to destroy this country!!! Pull your heads out of the butts of these crazy loons and stop allowing them to poison your brains… WAKE UP….
    and vote ALL democRATS possible OUT of office

  20. Here’s my solution for the whole dang congress, YOU ALL get to have Obamacare, NOT the special little package for you elites, when AOC gives up her Government health care, paid for by US, then we will listen, on second thought NO we WON’T She doesn’t have 2 brain cells to rub together.

  21. Aoc ,illian why don’t you go back to mexico and Afghanistan where you came from and take the rest of your crew of corrupt Democrats with you we don’t want or need you here . Or better yet go to north Korea, China, or russia anywhere there is communism and live out your short lives there. Long live president trump. Long live make America great again.

  22. All these socialism lovers should go do charity work in Venezuela & other Socialist Countries for 5 years before they try to tell Americans how great socialism is…

  23. I have an idea, why don’t we take any profit motive out of Politics, it would be just a local thing, No National Ads for any one outside of the State you are running to represent, no Money from PACs or outside agitators, like George Soros and Definitely NO Donations from foreign entities. We’ll shorten the Presidential Campaigns to 6 months, May to Election Day, the year of the Election. No promises that they don’t intend to keep, and No Salary for Representatives, Senators or the President. If they can become Millionaires on $174k per year, then they can fund their own schemes.

  24. AOC is in love with Socialism!!!
    she should go to Venezuela to live at least two years there!
    After that experience she will understand how an utopian philosophy she is in the love

  25. Vote these fools out of Congress. They don’t have Americans health at hand. They are no bodies and how dare they act or speak for me. They have a job to do for a certain term. Just do it, get voted out and go back to bar tending.

  26. Typical comments from uninformed, idealistic children. As we get older, most of us put aside those idealistic notions that will never work. It is called becoming a mature adult. Sadly liberals have not matured to that point. So we are doomed to hearing their unrealistic demands.

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