Source Says FBI Director Andrew McCabe Is ‘Ringleader’ Of Trump-Russia Investigation

FBI directors past and present apparently have it in for President Donald Trump.

Back in May, former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation. And after fired FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month, Mueller reportedly expanded the investigation to pursue obstruction of justice charges against Trump.

However, a source claims that it’s not Mueller who’s running the investigation — it’s current FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

andrew mccabe fbi trump

From Big League Politics:

An inside source told Big League Politics that McCabe is “running the show,” and “he’s the key.”

“Mueller and McCabe are assembling a better political operation than Hillary had in the campaign. The trio of Mueller/McCabe and Comey are all creatures of the swamp,” the source explained. “Any Republican who thinks this isn’t a political operation and isn’t geared toward impacting 2018 and beyond is absolutely nuts.”

“I think McCabe is the most politically savvy given how he navigated the controversy with his wife’s campaign donations and the Clinton investigation,” the source continued.

Interestingly, earlier this month McCabe told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Comey’s firing in no way impeded the Russia investigation:

“My intention in providing that answer was whether or not the firing of Director Comey had a negative impact on our investigation,” he said. “And my response was then and is now that the FBI investigated and continues to investigate … the Russia investigation in an appropriate and unimpeded way; before Director Comey was fired, and since he’s been gone.”

McCabe also verified that the FBI had enough resources and funding when he made his previous statement to carry out the investigation, and still has enough today.

Could that be because it was McCabe running the show all along, even before Comey was fired?

Make no mistake about it: The deep state is preparing for war.

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By Ann
Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers ... More about Ann
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