CNN ‘Republican’ Ana Navarro Caught Cropping Photo to Take Shot at President Trump

ana navarro crop trump

And CNN legitimately wonders why they keep getting hammered with the label of ‘fake news.’

Political commentator Ana Navarro tweeted a photo designed to prove a point about President Trump and Republicans just being a bunch of old white men deciding what happens in America.

“10 old straight white men met in Camp David to set the legislative agenda for America,” she wrote, accompanied by an image of Trump and a group of congressmen and administrative members.

She then corrects the record, facetiously noting that “Paul Ryan isn’t old” and that “Trump leans more towards orangey hues.”

Get it? Ha Ha Ha!

Problem being, there weren’t only white men in attendance.

Navarro appears to have removed the above tweet. Any guesses why?

Because the full-width shot of those speaking at the podium includes a woman. Not just any woman, but a very prominent woman in the Administration – Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen.

Navarro had to sheepishly retract her original tweet but still managed to downplay it by saying it was just one woman.

“Correction: 10 older white men and one woman met in Camp David to set the legislative agenda for America 2018,” she wrote. “Yup. So very representative.”

One woman? Well, Ana, you’re not exactly correct on that front either. Education Secretary Betsy Devos was also in attendance at Camp David.

Oh, also, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was there.

Good try though.

CNN used a woman who is a fake Republican – she voted for Hillary Clinton – to promote a fake image and create a fake story about supposedly anti-women Republicans. How CNN of them.

Is it any wonder they are the current world champions of fake news?

Is CNN a legitimate source of news? Tell us what you think below!

9 thoughts on “CNN ‘Republican’ Ana Navarro Caught Cropping Photo to Take Shot at President Trump”

  1. Right, Correction, ten white men and two women to set the legislative agenda for America. … and one woman as a press secretary to lie about what they are doing.

    Do you realize that white men make up less than 40% of the population?

  2. Being an age person of 88 years, I have found that the News Media People are the lowest life forms on the Planet and not believed them for over 60 years. Followed Closely by the Corrupt Politician and all would sell they own into Slavery or worst just to destroy the Country just to get they palms grease with Payola.

  3. Navarro a “political commentator” highly doubtful. She is more on par with National Enquirer reporter. What ever happened to journalists that were unbiased? CNN is the laughing stock of American “news”…

  4. I tried watching CNN a few years ago. They weren’t too bad. I got a glimpse of conservative news once in awhile and a bunch of liberal news which I like to hear to confirm I am right to be on the right side. I tried to watch again a year or so ago, and gave them up permanently. Like MSNBC they are just too fake. Can’t stand to listen to it.

    1. Anna was hating Trump from the day one, and the journalist like this should be fire because any journalist should be neutral and their opinions on the national TV. And Anna is full of personal hate and on top of that she is racist. CNN lost to quality and it look like CNN do not know any more what is wrong from what is right.I do not watch CNN at all any more.CNN was my favor news channel years ago, but now they are just bad gossip TV station for a trash.

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