You won’t believe what this HuffPo reporter mistakes for rubber bullets


On Sunday morning intrepid Huffington Post “federal law enforcement and legal news” reporter Ryan J. Reilly (yes, one of the two reporters arrested in a Ferguson McDonald’s) breathlessly took to Twitter to confirm what he probably was hoping was some kind of a scoop. You won’t believe the shocking evidence he found:

Rubber bullets, earplugs, who could ever know the difference?

One can only imagine the disappointment and shame when he saw the instant mockery piling in and he was forced to report what was obvious to the rest of us:

Of course, it being Twitter and all, hilarity ensued:

Poor Reilly was all sore about people calling him out on his stupid, but rather revealing, mistake:

Thank you, Reilly, for providing a little unintentional comedic relief during a tense situation out there in Ferguson, we all could use a laugh!

H/T These Twitchy Posts

Alexa is a freelance writer and communications consultant, with experience working on the Hill, at the RNC, and for... More about Alexa

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