Obama Rated Worst Living U.S. President

George W Bush

Yeesh, it took 6 years, but FINALLY people are opening their eyes about Obama and realizing George W. wasn’t nearly as bad as conventional wisdom has been saying. This is the first time Dubya has been over 50% in a Gallup poll since 2005, and it’s the lowest Obama has ever been.

Maybe it’s the way Obama’s losing Iraq to terrorists, or the humanitarian crisis on our southern border caused by Obama pushing for amnesty, or the way our veterans are left to die waiting for government-run health care, or the failure of Obamacare, or the IRS targeting political opponents and “losing” evidence, or the first assassination of U.S. ambassador since 1979 in Benghazi, or … I could go on for days!

Here are the full poll results:

Presidential approval ratingsH/T: The American Pundit

Somewhat surprisingly, George H. W. Bush is neck and neck with Clinton. It’s gotta be the socks.

GHWB socks

Alexa is a freelance writer and communications consultant, with experience working on the Hill, at the RNC, and for... More about Alexa

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