Here at The Political Insider, we take great pride in shaping the conversation of today’s events from a conservative viewpoint. And we’ve proven quite adept at doing so.
As we look back on 2014, we’d like to review some of the stories that you, our readers, enjoyed discussing.
Here are the top 5 talked about stories from the Political Insider in 2014 …
5) Angelina Jolie Calls Obama “All Smoke and Mirrors” … and That Was Just for Starters
This past summer, Jolie, a seemingly liberal Hollywood actress, was quoted by sources in an US Magazine interview claiming the President was “all smoke and mirrors.” It didn’t end there.
The source also claimed Jolie ‘hates him, thinks he’s all about welfare and handouts, and is really a socialist in disguise.’
We disagree with Jolie whole-heartedly.
Obama isn’t disguising anything.
4) Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the Marine Holed-Up in a Mexican Prison, Was Released
After spending 7 months in prison for essentially taking a wrong turn into Mexico, Andrew Tahmooressi, a Marine suffering with PTSD, was finally released. Readers took to the news with a healthy discussion of why it took so long to free a respected veteran, especially in light of the administration’s willingness to negotiate for the release of a presumed traitor in Bowe Bergdahl.
Regardless, Tahmooressi’s mother recently took the time to update readers on her son’s status:
“Praise God Andrew is free! Currently Andrew is fellowshipping with immediate family and brother USMCs for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Selection and planning for treatment underway now. To ALL who prayed, supported and were advocates for Andrew’s release, much gratitude!! God has big things in store for Andrew. God bless you. God bless America!”
3) Forensic Evidence Showed Mike Brown’s Blood Was on Darren Wilson’s Gun
While liberals go around touting disproved theories about what happened in Ferguson, such as the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ fantasy being spewed by the media, conservative readers at The Political Insider were getting facts. Facts such as forensic evidence showing Mike Brown had indeed lunged after Officer Darren Wilson’s gun.
Facts, as John Adams once famously stated, are stubborn things. For liberals with a race-agenda, accepting those facts is the hardest part.
2) Racist Conservatives Celebrated a Black Man Announcing His Run For President
We all know Republicans are racist. So, why were readers of the Political Insider celebrating the announcement of an African-American man running for President? Was it a white supremacist Jedi mind trick?
Or is the mainstream media’s narrative on conservatives simply untrue? You know the answer.
Either way, Dr. Ben Carson announced that he was starting to think about running for President, and the site was abuzz with excitement.
1) Carrie Underwood Blasts Atheists Who Didn’t Like Her Song About Religion and Faith
Country music, a smokin’ hot star, and a song about faith and God. What’s not to love?
Atheists for some reason, took exception to Carrie Underwood’s song “Something in the Water,” which mentioned God throughout and ended with a stirring rendition of Amazing Grace.
Underwood responded beautifully, telling those anti-religious detractors that if they don’t like it they can “change the channel.”
The Political Insider readers responded in kind, telling Underwood that they support her religious message.