Liberal Media Falsely Claims Trump’s Travel Costs Will Exceed Obama’s in One Year

In 8 years as president, Barack Obama spent $97 million in taxpayer dollars on vacation around the world. On a regular basis, Obama would leave Washington, D.C. and travel around the country fundraising and playing golf, all on the backs of the American worker.

While Obama’s travel expenses during his 8 years in office were outrageous, that hasn’t stopped the liberal media from falsely attacking President Trump, claiming he is on pace to outspend Obama’s vacation habits in just one year.

CNN ran a hit piece the other day, claiming that “President Trump is on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama’s travel spending in 1 year.”

How did CNN come to this over the top conclusion? Well in their article, they base their figures on one 4 day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013, compared with trips President Trump has taken to date:

Given variations in each trip, estimating the security costs around a presidential trip is difficult. But a 2016 Government Accountability Office report about a four-day trip Obama took to Florida in 2013 — one similar to Trump’s trips — found the total cost to the Secret Service and Coast Guard was $3.6 million.

To date, Trump has spent six weekends — and a total of 21 days — at Mar-A-Lago, his private Palm Beach club. The total estimated costs for those trips are around $21.6 million.

These figures sound awful, but facts are a stubborn thing.

The Chicago Tribune decided to fact check the CNN piece, and contacted the author of the GAO report and concluded that it’s inappropriate to compare Obama and Trump’s trips:

The GAO’s bottom line for that trip, not including regular White House personnel costs as well as some classified expenses, was $3.6 million. But the author of that report, Brian Lepore, says that figure shouldn’t be applied to Trump’s travel.

“It’s hard to substitute one trip for another, even if the destination is the same,” Lepore said. Each time a president travels, the Defense Department must airlift equipment such as the protective limousines, security vehicles and occasionally helicopters from various military bases around the country.

CNN also left out the fact that before Obama traveled to Florida for vacation he stopped off in Chicago to give an economic speech, which while included in the $3.6 million total, was not vacation time. Furthermore, the conservative Judicial Watch has concluded that Trump’s travel is actually around $1 million per visit, much less than the estimate.

We all know the liberal media is out to get President Trump, and this latest hit piece is just more evidence that they are more interested in tearing down this president rather than doing actual reporting.

H/T: Twitchy

Are you surprised that the liberal media would go to such lengths to falsely attack President Trump? Share your thoughts below!

126 thoughts on “Liberal Media Falsely Claims Trump’s Travel Costs Will Exceed Obama’s in One Year”

  1. I remember reading that article in MSN news online and thinking this is fake news! Wondered how long it would take someone to call them out about it. The problem I have is how many people saw that and really believed it? Now they are walking around with false information unless they read other reports it is what they will believe! The media has a terrifying responsibility to report the correct information. The MSM fails and now we have AFTA and BLM because they have been given false information.

  2. What amazes me is that so many people are in favor of destroying America. We have a wonderful nation and all the blood, sweat, and tears it took to build and protect it, would be for naught. How horribly sad that so many have been duped into TREASON. Prayers for our nation, it’s people, and the Trump Administration. We still need God or we are doomed.

  3. trumps visits to his florida home are some times being done with business of the the country, obumas were all vacations. at least trump works at being a president, not like that lazy pot smoking jack ass we just got rid of.

  4. Amen! We have to call out the media every time they try to take Trump down. I have just tuned them out and turned them off. Hoping they will become irrelevant.

  5. Not only the news media has short term memory problems and reporting fake lying news, but this is going to come back to slap them in the face: President Trump and First Lady Melania have both said on separate occasions, “Their family vacations will not be paid for by the American people. The President will not be accepting a salary while he is in office. He has donated his first paycheck to the Department of National Forestry.” So, this is the part where we can now slap the media, “By reporting the dollar amounts of obama’s vacations and what it cost our nation in tax payer money, I would say that we were robbed! obama spent more days on vacation and playing golf than actually sitting behind the desk in the oval office. His personal expenses left our nation with a huge debt. I would say that he OWES and must pay back every cent that he spent, and because of his crimes of treason, he will forfeit any future “presidential salary, benefits, social security, secret service protection, etc.”. One question I do have, is what happened to Camp David? Did clinton and obama leave the place with such a stench that it isn’t able to be used anymore? No wonder President Trump prefers Mar Lago.

  6. Richard, I assume that wasn’t a trick question and I can answer it! For every dollar that’s documented of 0’Bama and entourage spent, another one is unaccounted for! The crowd he and SHE took with them added to it! There’s MUCH unaccounted for, and his “accounts” which was kept for him until he finished what his “creators” demanded from HIM (give them the power of his Presidency in exchange for US making him rich and famous), which was keep our attentipn “diverted” away from THEM while HE held our Nation mesmerized with his handsome, articulate ( teleprompted, of course), well-educated (unproven to this day), and gifted (gab via telepromptor), Harvard Grad (unproven to this day) and Constitutional Law Prof (unproven to this day, which inspired every college female to yell and cheer his name! funny, how that STOPPED during his last lifetime (seemingly) of four years!

  7. Let’s REALLY be honest. Obama didn’t set any records for expenses, especially frequency of golfing or visiting his home state.
    Likely you have forgotten the economy of 2008-9. Otherwise you wouldn’t ask what Obama accomplished when he doubled the National Debt.
    For comparison, President Reagan TRIPLED the National Debt. I bet you forgot that as well.

  8. People are short on memory. Obama stayed in 5 star hotels at our expense. Obama takes a salary while President Trump donates his. President Trump does business in Mar e Lago, Obama’s business was entertaining and playing golf on our dime. Let’s be honest, Obama broke all records of travel and travel expenses of any President before and after. While we are on this subject, I would like to ask the Obama people, what did he do with your trillions of money he wasted to double our debt and we have nothing to show for it.

  9. But hey moron—-he’s paying for it HIMSELF! He is already rich–unlike the carpetbaggers Clintons and the downright poor Obozos–who–both robbed us blind—took lavish va-cas on OUR dime–and stole from the Am. people! Trump goes to his OWN place–as did G.W. Bush–to his ranch in Texas– so you are NOT going to be able to equate Obozo with Trumps travels–besides–Trump already has his OWN fleet of choppers and jets—Obozo DID NOT!

  10. Frank – You are so typical of the sore loser, whiner, uninformed liberals. You like to live in la la land and not reality. That’s okay because that will keep you and your liberal friends out of the WH and Congress for a very long time.

  11. I really get a kick out of you LIBTURDS. Try doing a little research instead of making stupid statements. Just goes to show how smart you and the rest of the snowflakes are not. Have a nice day.

  12. Trump HAS ALREADY EXCEED ALL TRAVEL in 3 months from Bush and Obama. Hey dumbass conservative sheeples… open up your wallet because the Trump family is ready to steal your hard-earned money. the Trump family are thieves !


  14. They have said that they are paying for that THEMSELVES and it’s only for a short while until school is out–LIBTARDS DON’T PAY FOR ANYTHING OUT OF THEOR *OWN* POCKET!!!

  15. We don’t need to get insulting by name calling.
    The taxpayers are paying millions of dollars per week to keep Melania in NYC. Please complain about that too.

    We are paying for security on the Trump children as they roam about the world on their private business trips. Please complain about that too.

  16. If the $3.6 million for Obama includes the cost for airlift of “equipment such as the protective limousines, security vehicles and occasionally helicopters from various military bases around the country” then the first of the six trips would reasonably include those costs.
    Since Trump has been hosting foreign dignitaries on his trips, there are added security costs above the cost of moving him. Your suggested $1 per trip ignores this.
    So lets be more reasonable, $3.6 for the first and $1.5-2.5 for the next five. Somewhere between $11.1 and $16.1 million of additional expense because Trump doesn’t want to live in the White House where everything is already in place.
    At that pace, Trump spends more in 16-24 months than Obama spent in eight years.

    Stop the spin, before you get dizzy.

  17. To be up to day, people need to read the book.The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell. It is about what to expect with a one world government that the UN and other socialists are trying to make come true.

  18. You libs are still living in denial about the Obama 8 years and the fact that you lost this past election !
    You have been losing elections since 2010 and don’t even realize it. That’s is fine with us Conservatives because we will keep you out of the WH and the Congress for many years to come with your stupid antics, riots and viciousness.We can see right through you!

  19. If the liberals would use that negative effort for positive things, the administration and congress could run smooth and get much need business done. But they wont because they are still mad they didn’t win. They need to see a head doctor.

  20. Fred, just take the time to switch the knob on the T.V. to other than the snowflake / libtard
    sources. Do a little searching for FACTS !
    Rectocranial syndrome can be treated quite easily. Remove cranium from rectal sphincter.
    Take a deep breath of FRESH, untainted air. Sit down on the previously unaccessable nether
    region of your body. LOOK around.
    President Trump WON ! Benghazi Killery and the Obamarama Circus, and all of the Obamarama clown acts are looking for jobs. The assumed / promised GOVERNMENT TEAT employment
    under Killery is, alas, not to be.
    Their resumes seem pretty sketchy.
    Would you hire any of this lot to work for YOU !!??

  21. Is anyone ( except snowflake libtard “re-gressives”) surprised that media
    is less than factual ?

    The plan is to put out MANY erroneous ‘stories,’ so it will be tough for folks that get
    info from other than Fox will be bamboozled by all this shiny confetti ‘NEWS’ fired
    like repeated rockets during a celebration.

    Look for the BBC news site, some of the Israeli news sites, to pick from this buffet
    of news being offered.

    NBC, CNBC, Clinton News Network, CBS seems to want to feed us ” used hay,”
    when new /fresh hay would keep our thoroughbreds running on all cylinders.

    Used hay is pretty good for growing good crops.
    HORS# SH&* we’re being fed by the losing snowflake libtards doesn’t promote growth
    and strength…just SMELL.

  22. The Obama Administration spent $4.5 BILLION a year on travel and entertainment. That was more than the budget for all Border Agents, if not all of Customs and Immigration.

  23. The MSM is as Trump calls them The ”fake news”. They don’t report the news, they create their own version of the news that fits their liberal agenda. Lies and deceit are just tools to be used in their Godless, the end justifies the means mentality. Theirs is a world without morality. If they can’t twist the facts to their needs, it doesn’t get reported. As with other liars, the louder they get the more you know they are lying. They work on the concept of repeat a lie enough and it will be believed.

  24. No matter what Trum does or where he goes for whatever reason, CNN,Wash. Post, N.Y. Times etc. will never be able to report the fact because they actually don’t have the data to do so and besides they just want to pull him down no matter what. I don’t even read or listen to any of their crap they come up with because I don’t care. What I care about but they won’t do anything about it is go after Hillary for what she has done and Obama and his admin. for their useless governing.

  25. Who in hell believes anything or even watches CNN? Most of the people on that network should be in Jail on sedition, lying and broadcasting False News. Where is The Federal Broadcasting Agencies, FCC? Then too they are just as corrupted and would sell their own into slavery just to get their palms grease with Payola.

  26. I want to know just why hasn’t these slime ball So Called Media People been put on trial, found guilty of Lying, Treason, sedition and all crimes against the state of the Republic? Just why these low life’s are allow to even have a network is beyond me. If I did what they are doing I could never face my family or look in the mirror with out throwing up. That also goes for the Slime Ball Politician, who only worry that the Payola that greases their palms will go away. I have not believed any so called News Media People in over 60 years and I do understand why others do.

  27. The media is shameful,they run interference for democrats like Hilary and Obama and they make up lies trying to discredit Trump and the republicans.Mabe its time to limit the freedom of the press to those outlets that are not in the business for power,prestige,privilege and profit.

  28. Old saying…”Cheap at twice the price…”!
    Obama …”spent us…!”
    Trump is ‘saving’ us…and our paychecks.
    (while donating his own salary to charity)

  29. I doubt they could exclude all the press, but make them make their own travel arrangements and let them pay for it. It costs fuel to carry more weight aboard aircraft. If they want to complain about what Trump spends to travel, let the press pay their own way. Think of the savings to taxpayers.

  30. Trump should pull the creds of any and all reporters/journalist that are accredited to any of the fake news outlets. No press conferences, no seats on Air Force 1 or Marine 1. I don’t think it would take too long for the msm to get the hint.

  31. Your math skills are lacking. “Trump’s travel is actually around $1 million per visit” which is $6 million for 6 trips. Not the estimated $21 million of CNN.

  32. Alicia, use that thing on top of your neck for something other than holding your hair. This writer says Obama spent $97 million in 8 years. Drumpf has spent $21 million in less than 100 days….and that doesn’t include money spent on his family’s vacation. Yes, according to the numbers in THIS article, drumpf is well on his way to spending more in a year than Obama and family spent in 8.

  33. The liberals are such liars, who believesthem? d nauseaum will criticize our new president and we all should IGnore them. They do nothing but twist everything to discredit anything TRUMP . Mr. Pres: MAGA!!!!

  34. The “liberal media” is defined at_ tapnewswire 96 .
    Applying the information provided, up to 96% of all western world media is distorted to reflect the intent of Judaism. Judaism intends to overtake the territory of the Middle East that comprised “Babylonia” and rename it “Israel”. Acquiring the territory of Syria is the current focus, in order to immediately expand and acquire the territory in Syria that contains the recent oil discovery.

    Israeli spokesperson, Tzipora Menache stated, “We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…”. Additionally, senior law professor of Harvard U. made a speech encouraging jewish folk to be aggressive. Details at this link_

    Thus, since prior to 9-11, 2001, Jews in the USCongress, the Pentagon and White House have coordinated the CIA/MOSSAD to undermine the legal government of the USA. The accidental discovery of the plan, “7 countries in 5 years”, on 21 Dec 2001, interrupted its fulfillment. Thus, filling the TV and printed media of the western world with propaganda that defames president Assad, and focussing terrorism on Palestinians and also Syria, continual events are staged by the CIA and MOSSAD that enable the 96% controlled media to fraudulently blame Palestinians, and president Assad of Syria. To wit, the recent, accidental release of gas that resulted from bombing an area in which ISIS had secretly stashed illegal gas. Systematic events used to fraudulently defame president Assad will continue until the source of the world-wide terrorism is “de-fused”.
    The recent bombing of a Syrian, military airfield at Ash Sha’irat, by 56 BGM109 “Tomahawks”, fired from US vessels in the Mediterranean, suggests that president Trump has been diverted from his promise to “drain the swamp”. The use of US navy vessels, perhaps disguised as under the command of NATO, to conduct an illegal attack on Syria, a sovereign nation, does not remove their ownership by the U.S. Navy.

  35. The liberal media is a laughing stock , only the dumbest of the dumb believe them . If you want the real truth about Trump believe the exact opposite of what the media say about him , that will be the truth.

  36. Today the Democrats hold no levers of power, and they can’t dispense goodies anymore. All they can do now is howl, whine, and lie, and try to mobilize the parasites burrowed into the federal bureaucracy to undercut the will of normal Americans. They do this by falsely accusing us and those who represent us of doing exactly what they did and what they intend to do once Trump is ousted. Their goal is to seize power again and permanently disenfranchise us and they are happy to take the risk of literally ripping the country apart.

    The media is, of course, a willing and eager accomplice in this coordinated campaign of deception and slander. Notice how no one in the mainstream media pointed out how the Sessions perjury lie conveniently appeared simultaneously across the entire media just when the Democrats desperately needed to shift the narrative from their utter humiliation by Trump’s terrific joint address? The media hacks never mentioned it because they were part of it, the beat-boy skeletons to the David S. Pumpkins of progressivism. The left and its media’s problem, however, is that the new information reality means that they can start a controversy, but they can’t control it.
    Here’s the utterly predictable pattern. Spazzy Dems freak out about some imagined atrocity by a conservative then, within a few hours, it becomes clear that the alleged offender did nothing wrong while conservatives scour the web and start showing how Democrat hacks are on record doing exactly the same thing times a zillion. That’s the key – the media can no longer guide the lie to destroy the target. The internet lets us have a say – and to grab the wheel.

    Oh no, Jeff Sessions talked to a Russian then didn’t bring it up when not asked about it! Oh, we Democrats would never do that … except, thanks to us conservatives (and a President who’s willing to punch back twice as hard), here come the photos of Schumer and Ivan sharing a cup of Joe Stalin and here’s Pelosi’s partying with some Russkies after denying it and then the State Department (under Clinton and Obama) turns out to have arranged it and now Liberals want a fairness act passed to control the internet. FOR THE LOVE OF GAIA SOMEBODY SHUT DOWN THAT INTERNET MACHINE BECAUSE IT NEVER FORGETS!

  37. The lie has been told, the lie has been believed! The damage is done! It is harder for people to understand that they have been lied to, then it is to believe what is the real truth, after first the learning the lie.
    People who have first been told a lie as being a fact, and of course, they believe the lie.

    It is human nature to believe whatever “truth” (whether true or false) that is HEARD FIRST that is always what is to be ‘believed’. The very first time you hear something (opinion/fact) it becomes your “base model”. Everything after that is compared to the original base idea. The tabula rasa (blank slate) is imprinted with the original idea. Nothing will be as innate as the base model.

    You can’t un-ring a bell. If a media outlet lies once, you should be leery. If they lie more than once, you should never again believe a damn thing they say, unless of course you are a liberal parrot, incapable of thinking for yourself and need something to regurgitate.

  38. The public, individually or as a group, need to be able to sue reporters and their employers, for injuries as a result of their factual and narrative errors. An enterprising lawyer should be able to calculate damages, materially, as wall as to the reputation of this country.


  40. I figured that the media was doing a hit job !! One thing that raises the cost for Trump is the fact that there is a lot more crazy libratards out there with threats against Trump making security for Trump higher then for Obama even though Trump is supplying some of his own security. Any reasonable person can see that Trump is much more responsible with spending tax payer money’s then Obama and his wife were.

  41. I remember reading that article in MSN news online and thinking this is fake news! Wondered how long it would take someone to call them out about it. The problem I have is how many people saw that and really believed it? Now they are walking around with false information unless they read other reports it is what they will believe! The media has a terrifying responsibility to report the correct information. The MSM fails and now we have AFTA and BLM because they have been given false information.

  42. What amazes me is that so many people are in favor of destroying America. We have a wonderful nation and all the blood, sweat, and tears it took to build and protect it, would be for naught. How horribly sad that so many have been duped into TREASON. Prayers for our nation, it’s people, and the Trump Administration. We still need God or we are doomed.

  43. trumps visits to his florida home are some times being done with business of the the country, obumas were all vacations. at least trump works at being a president, not like that lazy pot smoking jack ass we just got rid of.

  44. Not only the news media has short term memory problems and reporting fake lying news, but this is going to come back to slap them in the face: President Trump and First Lady Melania have both said on separate occasions, “Their family vacations will not be paid for by the American people. The President will not be accepting a salary while he is in office. He has donated his first paycheck to the Department of National Forestry.” So, this is the part where we can now slap the media, “By reporting the dollar amounts of obama’s vacations and what it cost our nation in tax payer money, I would say that we were robbed! obama spent more days on vacation and playing golf than actually sitting behind the desk in the oval office. His personal expenses left our nation with a huge debt. I would say that he OWES and must pay back every cent that he spent, and because of his crimes of treason, he will forfeit any future “presidential salary, benefits, social security, secret service protection, etc.”. One question I do have, is what happened to Camp David? Did clinton and obama leave the place with such a stench that it isn’t able to be used anymore? No wonder President Trump prefers Mar Lago.

  45. People are short on memory. Obama stayed in 5 star hotels at our expense. Obama takes a salary while President Trump donates his. President Trump does business in Mar e Lago, Obama’s business was entertaining and playing golf on our dime. Let’s be honest, Obama broke all records of travel and travel expenses of any President before and after. While we are on this subject, I would like to ask the Obama people, what did he do with your trillions of money he wasted to double our debt and we have nothing to show for it.

    1. Let’s REALLY be honest. Obama didn’t set any records for expenses, especially frequency of golfing or visiting his home state.
      Likely you have forgotten the economy of 2008-9. Otherwise you wouldn’t ask what Obama accomplished when he doubled the National Debt.
      For comparison, President Reagan TRIPLED the National Debt. I bet you forgot that as well.

    2. Richard, I assume that wasn’t a trick question and I can answer it! For every dollar that’s documented of 0’Bama and entourage spent, another one is unaccounted for! The crowd he and SHE took with them added to it! There’s MUCH unaccounted for, and his “accounts” which was kept for him until he finished what his “creators” demanded from HIM (give them the power of his Presidency in exchange for US making him rich and famous), which was keep our attentipn “diverted” away from THEM while HE held our Nation mesmerized with his handsome, articulate ( teleprompted, of course), well-educated (unproven to this day), and gifted (gab via telepromptor), Harvard Grad (unproven to this day) and Constitutional Law Prof (unproven to this day, which inspired every college female to yell and cheer his name! funny, how that STOPPED during his last lifetime (seemingly) of four years!

  46. Trump HAS ALREADY EXCEED ALL TRAVEL in 3 months from Bush and Obama. Hey dumbass conservative sheeples… open up your wallet because the Trump family is ready to steal your hard-earned money. the Trump family are thieves !

    1. I really get a kick out of you LIBTURDS. Try doing a little research instead of making stupid statements. Just goes to show how smart you and the rest of the snowflakes are not. Have a nice day.

      1. Frank – You are so typical of the sore loser, whiner, uninformed liberals. You like to live in la la land and not reality. That’s okay because that will keep you and your liberal friends out of the WH and Congress for a very long time.

    2. But hey moron—-he’s paying for it HIMSELF! He is already rich–unlike the carpetbaggers Clintons and the downright poor Obozos–who–both robbed us blind—took lavish va-cas on OUR dime–and stole from the Am. people! Trump goes to his OWN place–as did G.W. Bush–to his ranch in Texas– so you are NOT going to be able to equate Obozo with Trumps travels–besides–Trump already has his OWN fleet of choppers and jets—Obozo DID NOT!


  48. If the $3.6 million for Obama includes the cost for airlift of “equipment such as the protective limousines, security vehicles and occasionally helicopters from various military bases around the country” then the first of the six trips would reasonably include those costs.
    Since Trump has been hosting foreign dignitaries on his trips, there are added security costs above the cost of moving him. Your suggested $1 per trip ignores this.
    So lets be more reasonable, $3.6 for the first and $1.5-2.5 for the next five. Somewhere between $11.1 and $16.1 million of additional expense because Trump doesn’t want to live in the White House where everything is already in place.
    At that pace, Trump spends more in 16-24 months than Obama spent in eight years.

    Stop the spin, before you get dizzy.

      1. We don’t need to get insulting by name calling.
        The taxpayers are paying millions of dollars per week to keep Melania in NYC. Please complain about that too.

        We are paying for security on the Trump children as they roam about the world on their private business trips. Please complain about that too.

        1. They have said that they are paying for that THEMSELVES and it’s only for a short while until school is out–LIBTARDS DON’T PAY FOR ANYTHING OUT OF THEOR *OWN* POCKET!!!

  49. To be up to day, people need to read the book.The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell. It is about what to expect with a one world government that the UN and other socialists are trying to make come true.

  50. If the liberals would use that negative effort for positive things, the administration and congress could run smooth and get much need business done. But they wont because they are still mad they didn’t win. They need to see a head doctor.

      1. You libs are still living in denial about the Obama 8 years and the fact that you lost this past election !
        You have been losing elections since 2010 and don’t even realize it. That’s is fine with us Conservatives because we will keep you out of the WH and the Congress for many years to come with your stupid antics, riots and viciousness.We can see right through you!

  51. Is anyone ( except snowflake libtard “re-gressives”) surprised that media
    is less than factual ?

    The plan is to put out MANY erroneous ‘stories,’ so it will be tough for folks that get
    info from other than Fox will be bamboozled by all this shiny confetti ‘NEWS’ fired
    like repeated rockets during a celebration.

    Look for the BBC news site, some of the Israeli news sites, to pick from this buffet
    of news being offered.

    NBC, CNBC, Clinton News Network, CBS seems to want to feed us ” used hay,”
    when new /fresh hay would keep our thoroughbreds running on all cylinders.

    Used hay is pretty good for growing good crops.
    HORS# SH&* we’re being fed by the losing snowflake libtards doesn’t promote growth
    and strength…just SMELL.

    1. Fred, just take the time to switch the knob on the T.V. to other than the snowflake / libtard
      sources. Do a little searching for FACTS !
      Rectocranial syndrome can be treated quite easily. Remove cranium from rectal sphincter.
      Take a deep breath of FRESH, untainted air. Sit down on the previously unaccessable nether
      region of your body. LOOK around.
      President Trump WON ! Benghazi Killery and the Obamarama Circus, and all of the Obamarama clown acts are looking for jobs. The assumed / promised GOVERNMENT TEAT employment
      under Killery is, alas, not to be.
      Their resumes seem pretty sketchy.
      Would you hire any of this lot to work for YOU !!??

  52. The Obama Administration spent $4.5 BILLION a year on travel and entertainment. That was more than the budget for all Border Agents, if not all of Customs and Immigration.

  53. The MSM is as Trump calls them The ”fake news”. They don’t report the news, they create their own version of the news that fits their liberal agenda. Lies and deceit are just tools to be used in their Godless, the end justifies the means mentality. Theirs is a world without morality. If they can’t twist the facts to their needs, it doesn’t get reported. As with other liars, the louder they get the more you know they are lying. They work on the concept of repeat a lie enough and it will be believed.

  54. No matter what Trum does or where he goes for whatever reason, CNN,Wash. Post, N.Y. Times etc. will never be able to report the fact because they actually don’t have the data to do so and besides they just want to pull him down no matter what. I don’t even read or listen to any of their crap they come up with because I don’t care. What I care about but they won’t do anything about it is go after Hillary for what she has done and Obama and his admin. for their useless governing.

  55. Who in hell believes anything or even watches CNN? Most of the people on that network should be in Jail on sedition, lying and broadcasting False News. Where is The Federal Broadcasting Agencies, FCC? Then too they are just as corrupted and would sell their own into slavery just to get their palms grease with Payola.

  56. I want to know just why hasn’t these slime ball So Called Media People been put on trial, found guilty of Lying, Treason, sedition and all crimes against the state of the Republic? Just why these low life’s are allow to even have a network is beyond me. If I did what they are doing I could never face my family or look in the mirror with out throwing up. That also goes for the Slime Ball Politician, who only worry that the Payola that greases their palms will go away. I have not believed any so called News Media People in over 60 years and I do understand why others do.

  57. The media is shameful,they run interference for democrats like Hilary and Obama and they make up lies trying to discredit Trump and the republicans.Mabe its time to limit the freedom of the press to those outlets that are not in the business for power,prestige,privilege and profit.

      1. Trump should pull the creds of any and all reporters/journalist that are accredited to any of the fake news outlets. No press conferences, no seats on Air Force 1 or Marine 1. I don’t think it would take too long for the msm to get the hint.

        1. I doubt they could exclude all the press, but make them make their own travel arrangements and let them pay for it. It costs fuel to carry more weight aboard aircraft. If they want to complain about what Trump spends to travel, let the press pay their own way. Think of the savings to taxpayers.

  58. The liberals are such liars, who believesthem? d nauseaum will criticize our new president and we all should IGnore them. They do nothing but twist everything to discredit anything TRUMP . Mr. Pres: MAGA!!!!

    1. Alicia, use that thing on top of your neck for something other than holding your hair. This writer says Obama spent $97 million in 8 years. Drumpf has spent $21 million in less than 100 days….and that doesn’t include money spent on his family’s vacation. Yes, according to the numbers in THIS article, drumpf is well on his way to spending more in a year than Obama and family spent in 8.

      1. Your math skills are lacking. “Trump’s travel is actually around $1 million per visit” which is $6 million for 6 trips. Not the estimated $21 million of CNN.

  59. The “liberal media” is defined at_ tapnewswire 96 .
    Applying the information provided, up to 96% of all western world media is distorted to reflect the intent of Judaism. Judaism intends to overtake the territory of the Middle East that comprised “Babylonia” and rename it “Israel”. Acquiring the territory of Syria is the current focus, in order to immediately expand and acquire the territory in Syria that contains the recent oil discovery.

    Israeli spokesperson, Tzipora Menache stated, “We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…”. Additionally, senior law professor of Harvard U. made a speech encouraging jewish folk to be aggressive. Details at this link_

    Thus, since prior to 9-11, 2001, Jews in the USCongress, the Pentagon and White House have coordinated the CIA/MOSSAD to undermine the legal government of the USA. The accidental discovery of the plan, “7 countries in 5 years”, on 21 Dec 2001, interrupted its fulfillment. Thus, filling the TV and printed media of the western world with propaganda that defames president Assad, and focussing terrorism on Palestinians and also Syria, continual events are staged by the CIA and MOSSAD that enable the 96% controlled media to fraudulently blame Palestinians, and president Assad of Syria. To wit, the recent, accidental release of gas that resulted from bombing an area in which ISIS had secretly stashed illegal gas. Systematic events used to fraudulently defame president Assad will continue until the source of the world-wide terrorism is “de-fused”.
    The recent bombing of a Syrian, military airfield at Ash Sha’irat, by 56 BGM109 “Tomahawks”, fired from US vessels in the Mediterranean, suggests that president Trump has been diverted from his promise to “drain the swamp”. The use of US navy vessels, perhaps disguised as under the command of NATO, to conduct an illegal attack on Syria, a sovereign nation, does not remove their ownership by the U.S. Navy.

  60. The liberal media is a laughing stock , only the dumbest of the dumb believe them . If you want the real truth about Trump believe the exact opposite of what the media say about him , that will be the truth.

  61. Today the Democrats hold no levers of power, and they can’t dispense goodies anymore. All they can do now is howl, whine, and lie, and try to mobilize the parasites burrowed into the federal bureaucracy to undercut the will of normal Americans. They do this by falsely accusing us and those who represent us of doing exactly what they did and what they intend to do once Trump is ousted. Their goal is to seize power again and permanently disenfranchise us and they are happy to take the risk of literally ripping the country apart.

    The media is, of course, a willing and eager accomplice in this coordinated campaign of deception and slander. Notice how no one in the mainstream media pointed out how the Sessions perjury lie conveniently appeared simultaneously across the entire media just when the Democrats desperately needed to shift the narrative from their utter humiliation by Trump’s terrific joint address? The media hacks never mentioned it because they were part of it, the beat-boy skeletons to the David S. Pumpkins of progressivism. The left and its media’s problem, however, is that the new information reality means that they can start a controversy, but they can’t control it.
    Here’s the utterly predictable pattern. Spazzy Dems freak out about some imagined atrocity by a conservative then, within a few hours, it becomes clear that the alleged offender did nothing wrong while conservatives scour the web and start showing how Democrat hacks are on record doing exactly the same thing times a zillion. That’s the key – the media can no longer guide the lie to destroy the target. The internet lets us have a say – and to grab the wheel.

    Oh no, Jeff Sessions talked to a Russian then didn’t bring it up when not asked about it! Oh, we Democrats would never do that … except, thanks to us conservatives (and a President who’s willing to punch back twice as hard), here come the photos of Schumer and Ivan sharing a cup of Joe Stalin and here’s Pelosi’s partying with some Russkies after denying it and then the State Department (under Clinton and Obama) turns out to have arranged it and now Liberals want a fairness act passed to control the internet. FOR THE LOVE OF GAIA SOMEBODY SHUT DOWN THAT INTERNET MACHINE BECAUSE IT NEVER FORGETS!

  62. The lie has been told, the lie has been believed! The damage is done! It is harder for people to understand that they have been lied to, then it is to believe what is the real truth, after first the learning the lie.
    People who have first been told a lie as being a fact, and of course, they believe the lie.

    It is human nature to believe whatever “truth” (whether true or false) that is HEARD FIRST that is always what is to be ‘believed’. The very first time you hear something (opinion/fact) it becomes your “base model”. Everything after that is compared to the original base idea. The tabula rasa (blank slate) is imprinted with the original idea. Nothing will be as innate as the base model.

    You can’t un-ring a bell. If a media outlet lies once, you should be leery. If they lie more than once, you should never again believe a damn thing they say, unless of course you are a liberal parrot, incapable of thinking for yourself and need something to regurgitate.

  63. The public, individually or as a group, need to be able to sue reporters and their employers, for injuries as a result of their factual and narrative errors. An enterprising lawyer should be able to calculate damages, materially, as wall as to the reputation of this country.


  65. I figured that the media was doing a hit job !! One thing that raises the cost for Trump is the fact that there is a lot more crazy libratards out there with threats against Trump making security for Trump higher then for Obama even though Trump is supplying some of his own security. Any reasonable person can see that Trump is much more responsible with spending tax payer money’s then Obama and his wife were.

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