Trump Shreds Obama After Horrific Attack in Chattanooga – LISTEN!


In the wake of a devastating shooting that killed four U.S. Marines in Chattanooga yesterday, presidential candidate Donald Trump has unloaded on President Obama, demanding that he stop being politically correct when dealing with the threat of radical Islam.

The gunman, Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, has been associated with Islam through his social media postings which showed an increased devotion to the religion.

Trump called into the O’Reilly Factor last night, and explained that the “religion of peace” needs to stop being coddled every time a terrorist attack takes place in the name of Islam.

“If we’re going to fight elements that are causing tremendous problems,” Trump explained, “at least we have to start maybe being not so politically correct.”

He also called out the “ridiculous” notion of gun-free zones, especially at military installations. The four Marines killed yesterday were unarmed.

Just days prior to this terror attack, Trump vowed to re-arm our servicemen and women.

In an interview with AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, Trump was asked what he would do with gun-free military bases that have become “death traps.

He responded:

As Commander-in-Chief, I would mandate that soldiers remain armed and on alert at our military bases.

President Clinton never should have passed a ban on soldiers being able to protect themselves on bases. America’s Armed Forces will be armed.

They will be able to defend themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate.”

In Trump’s interview with O’Reilly, he explained that these attacks are “going to get worse in our country.”

“We better start fighting a lot tougher than we’re fighting right now.”

Watch the segment below …

Do you believe our fighting men and women need to be armed at military installations, better able to defend themselves against terror attacks such as Chattanooga?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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