Congressman Rogers Proposes Taxing Illegal Immigrants to Pay for Border Wall

Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald J. Trump made illegal immigration one of the focal points of his outsider campaign. One of Trump’s main promises was to finish the much-needed border wall with Mexico, something politicians have failed to achieve for decades.

Unfortunately, some establishment Republicans are already balking at completing the border wall, with Senator John Cornyn of Texas already saying that Congress will not provide the funds needed.

While the establishment is trying to obstruct the president’s campaign promise, one congressman has come up with a unique way of ensuring that the U.S.-Mexico border wall is built, and fully funded.

Congressman Mike Rogers of Alabama has formally introduced legislation that would make undocumented immigrants pay for the border wall, by imposing a 2% tax on all money being sent by illegal immigrants to their home country.


In announcing the bill, Rogers said illegal immigrants would be targeted by imposing a 2 percent fee on all wire transfers to move money from the U.S. to the home country of the illegal immigrants.
Rogers said that in 2014, $24 billion was wired to Mexico while other countries in Central America and South America received more than 15 percent of their gross domestic products from those transfers.

“President Trump has made it very clear that he intends to complete a wall along our Southern border,” Rogers said in a statement. “As a senior member of the Homeland Security committee, I have long supported the border wall, which will protect Americans.

“In order to jumpstart the funding of the wall, I have introduced a bill to impose a 2 percent fee on remittances sent south of the border. This bill is simple – anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall. This bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”

Rogers’ bill is unique, and a smart way to make those that have exploited America’s porous southern border are the ones that pay for it. It is unknown exactly how much money illegal immigrants send to their home countries, but some estimate that it could be in the billions. A 2% tax on this money could easily provide a major source of funding for the border wall’s construction.

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Congressman Mo Brooks took to Twitter to offer his support for Rogers’ proposed tax:

Would you support taxing money illegal immigrants send home to pay for the border wall? Share your thoughts below! 

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