If you needed any more proof that the current chaos surrounding the tearing down of statues and defacing of landmarks is nothing more than political posturing, here it is.
With the tearing down of confederate statues, removal of confederate flags, and the destruction of anything from America’s past that is controversial or downright deplorable, one statue has managed to escape scrutiny from protesters.
It involves a U.S. Senator from West Virginia. A prominent, highly successful member of the Democrat party. And a mentor to the woman who almost became President of the United States.
He also happens to be a former card-carrying member of the KKK. In fact, he created his own chapter along with 150 of his friends and colleagues.
Where is the outrage and destruction of this statue?
When is this baby coming down? #HillaryMentor #KKK @HillaryClinton pic.twitter.com/WdenoniRuD
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 15, 2017
That is former Senator Robert Byrd who was once elected a top officer – the Exalted Cyclops, whatever the hell that is – in the local Klan unit in the early 1940s.
He is a man who once vowed never to fight in the military along with “race mongrels” or “with a negro by my side.”
After his passing, Hillary Clinton eulogized Byrd in a 2010 video in which she called him “my friend and mentor.”
Here is another infamous picture of Clinton embracing her ‘friend and mentor.’
Now, do you think for one second that, had President Trump referred to a former Klansman as a mentor and was photographed embracing him, that the statue of that person would be ignored right now?
Instead, that statue of Byrd stands quietly, untouched in the rotunda of the West Virginia Capitol in Charleston.
And rightfully so – protesters demanding that statues of history be removed are doing nothing more than trying to erase that history. As the saying goes, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. They may be sowing the seeds to actually help return racism to America in the future.
The fact remains, the only reason liberals are ignoring this statue is because it is a Democrat and mentor to Hillary Clinton.
Do you agree that liberals are tearing down statues over politics rather than racism? Share your thoughts below!