Black Christian Leaders Defend Trump After Charlottesville Riots

A group of black Christian and intellectual leaders at a press conference for the Center of Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), defended President Trump from accusations that he is responsible for racial division in our country.

The event was supposed to focus on the Trump Administration’s policy efforts involving inner cities, but quickly delved into the deadly protests in Charlottesville.

Though the media wasted no time in drawing a link between racial strife in America and Trump, branding him a white nationalist-supporting racist, these black community leaders have a different take.

Via the Christian Post:

A group of conservative black pastors and intellectual leaders on Monday defended President Donald Trump amid criticism of his initial response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend.

While some, like Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, have claimed that there is a “direct line” between the events in Charlottesville and the choices Trump made in his 2016 presidential campaign, conservative African-American clergy members, scholars and political activists decried such an argument in a Monday press conference at the National Press Club.

“One thing you need to understand,” the Rev. Derek McCoy explained, “you are saying that the president is the instigator and I think that is absolutely wrong.”

Activist Corrogan Vaughn added, “Don’t make our commander in chief a villain when in actuality it is more the villainess of the media in terms of making something where nothing is.”

Here is Star Parker, the President of CURE, commenting on Trump and his statements following the violence:

Getting a pass in all of this, naturally, is former president Obama. While Trump gets relentlessly hammered for divisiveness in America, Obama escapes scrutiny despite the fact that racial tensions worsened exponentially during his two terms in office.

A poll one month prior to the 2016 election showed a majority of Americans believed race relations had worsened under President Obama. Fifty-four percent said the racial divide had grown worse, while a very low 16% said it had gotten better.


By contrast, in May of 2009, mere months into president Obama’s first term, 32% of all Americans believed race relations had improved, while only 6% said they had gotten worse.

Think about that for a minute – that is a 64-point turnaround in how America viewed race relations under Obama.

Perhaps when we talk about the rise of various hate groups on all sides, we should add Obama’s name to the conversation.

Who is more responsible for poor race relations in America – Trump or Obama? Share your thoughts below!

31 thoughts on “Black Christian Leaders Defend Trump After Charlottesville Riots”

  1. At least some of our Black American’s see right through what is going on…President Trump is for the People, bringing back Jobs…His focus was on America and American Greatness, unlike the former Globalist who let our Military fall short, and with his open borders theology he gave away our jobs….Spread the Wealth, he said…I think he meant to spread it World Wide…

  2. We elected Trump to Break the Establishment in our Government…Now they are ALL ganging up on him, The Establishment on both sides and The Liberal Media…They are after him because he was breaking them and giving us, the people, more control over the American Dollars and American Jobs! Now they think by breaking him and Conservative’s they can push harder toward Censorship, Bigger Government and Socialism!!!

  3. The left has race relations so strained in this country that even in a hundred years we will still be divided and I never see us coming back together again.As usual the minority’s will suffer the most but the democrats and the media dont care because they have an agenda to push.

  4. I can’t believe they’re using a CNN poll ! The media is in full melt-down mode and no one is asking any questions like why did one group have a permit to protest and the other one didn’t.

  5. Only a deaf, dumb and blind person would say race relations are better than ever; the truth is, they are worse now than at any time in the past 100 years, thanks to the former Traitor-in-Chief fueling the fires of bigotry & racism. Americans had better wake up to reality before the US becomes another Venezuela or Europe!


    The left is trying to brand all 63 million as RACISTS!

    If you even praise his name or stand up for the President, they want to label you a RACIST!

    * 96% of the media is against him
    * Every Democrat is against him
    * Many Republicans are against him
    * The establishment elites are against him.

    WILL YOU FORSAKE HIM, quaking in your boots under your desk with fear,

    * 67 State chambers, “the most in history” Democrats hold only 31!
    * 32 State Houses and Governorships, Democrats hold only 13!
    * 33 Governorships, Democrats hold only 16!
    * Majority in the House of Representatives!
    * Majority in the Senate!
    * 5 Conservatives on the Supreme Court!
    * The Presidency!


  7. We all know Obama’s war on race was about entitlement, chaos and unrest, bring us back to the 1960’s. Obama has done more damage to race relations since President Johnson and of course Hillary Clinton when she called black kids “superpredators.” It was probably the first glimpse into who the real Hillary Clinton was and her first truthful thing she said in her entire life. I had black friends growing up and even participated in the fresh air fund when I was little. Nice girl from the Bronx named Dolores who lived with us for 2 months. She was just another girl to play with never saw the color of her skin. I did see some adult’s reaction to her living with us during that time.

  8. What I don’t understand is WHY Trump has to be defended on any of this ? What does the Federal Government have to do with any of this ? what happens in Virginia is for Virginia to deal with .

  9. Hats off to this group of people for being honest and truthful. I truly thank God for each and everyone of them. Good for them for calling out the MSM. I am sure President Trump is grateful for this response especially when he has an array of people resigning and/or tweeting false blame on the President without true reason. I really enjoyed Corrigan Vaughn’s statement, “Don’t make our President a villain when in actuality it is more the villainess of the media in terms of making something where nothing is.”

  10. While the media will continue to mindlessly attack Trump on every matter….it is the media and the demoncrats who are the race baiters along with obama whose only accomplishment was to put the “N” word back in America’s vocabulary. Then take a look at who is supporting every riot and action against anything in America. Soros……will someone please take this ash whole down and prosecute him…..let’s give Russia a present and send him to Putin. They would love the opportunity to show him what justice is.

  11. It does my heart good when the true Americans get a say. I attend three different churches, either in person or online. All are multi-racial in attendance. Thru the Glory of God, they see no differences. The problem is the anti-American, liberal media screaming the vile message of a few.

    1. Well said. The liberal media is the enemy! They are discovering that even liberals do not believe in their credibility. Why does that looney sign come up saying
      “You’ve already said that.” ? I HAVE NOT!

  12. Those pretending and saying that the Charlottesville violence was just white supremacists creating and causing all of the violence, are putting out a crock of BS and the public knows it. The public also knows who is damaging all of the civil war memorials. The same ones who were initiating the violence in Charlottesville.

  13. This vividly shows the difference between true Christians and those so-called Christians in the liberal churches, both black and white.The conservative churches preach and teach the Bible where as the others in the liberal churches preach and teach political correctness and other social agendas , vast difference they follow a cafeteria style belief, choose and pick what they want to follow and let the other go. A Pelosi style religion..

    1. “Cafeteria Christian” is a person who openly professes to be a Christian but only selects or accepts certain beliefs, tenets, teachings, and rituals to his liking. They discount any scriptural passage that contradicts there personal beliefs. The 10 Commandments to these people are actually 10 Options. And because they believe they are saved, they are free to sin whenever, because they believe Jesus loves them unconditionally. Cafeteria Christians haphazardly picked and chose only those religious concepts that make them feel good and released them from there faith responsibilities. They will go to hell!

      1. June, I agree with you 100%. People who say that they are saved and continue to sin because they are saved, will lose their salvation. If one goes to Hebrews 2:3 “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.” Also the Apostle Paul says in: 1 Cor. 9:27 “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” What it is saying to us is that we have to be careful of our behavior, lest we lose salvation. It can be lost.

  14. The left is following Saul Alinsky’s bible exactly, and so far it is working. If we the people don’t take the initiative and stop letting the left call the turn, this is to be a spanish speaking third world country.

  15. I don’t see where Trump has added anything at all to perceived racism in America. In fact, it seems he is doing everything that we can expect from a US president to stay neutral but putting blame where it belongs. It seems he is blamed for everything wrong in America starting from the colonial times. I see no white supremacy in his rhetoric at all but I find plenty wrong with the media and the extremists on all sides. We should support Trump until he does something worthy of our scorn.

  16. Just remember Hil, Clinton And Obama , and Rev. Wright are the biggest responsible dividers in this country along with Soro. Their day of reckoning will come to them now or in the here after.

  17. There’s no doubt that race relations worsened exponentially while Obama was in office! The problem is that Obama is still involved in all of the crap that is going on. Look no further than Obama, Soros and Hillary! They all three need to be prosecuted!!!

  18. This all lays on Obama. During his tenure I saw tremendous hate and racism spewed on the Left. Obama encouraged racial divide. His party thrives on it. Without that huge divide the Democratic Party doesn’t survive. They need everyone to be a “victim” and reliant on Dems and the government, when in reality they are not victims. When I see blacks use slavery as a reason that they live in poverty, it truly disgusts me. There are too many educated (key word) and successful blacks in America today. They made a decision (in some cases) that they were not going to be victims, but instead be successful. Failure is all about personal decisions. It’s way past time people started taking responsibility for their own lives.


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