A mob of Antifa social justice warriors began harassing and chanting threats outside the home of Tucker Carlson Wednesday night, and the group banged on his front door as the Fox News host’s wife was inside.
The mob warned Carlson that he and his family are not safe.
“Each night you remind us that we are not safe,” the group, Smash Racism DC, posted on social media. “Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”
Chants by the radical left organization included, “Racist scumbag, leave town,” and “We will fight, we know where you sleep at night.”
Carlson and his wife have four children, though thankfully none of the children were home at the time of the attack.
Make no mistake, this is an act of terrorism – trying to intimidate a conservative commentator and his family with threats that they know where he sleeps at night is terrorism – and members of the mob should be charged accordingly.
Tucker describes the frightening attack by Antifa
In a phone interview with the Washington Post, Tucker described how things went down at his home – his wife’s fear, and actual physical attacks that damaged the home.
“I called my wife. She had been in the kitchen alone getting ready to go to dinner and she heard pounding on the front door and screaming. … Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door.”
Thinking she was the victim of an attempted home invasion, Carlson’s wife locked herself in the pantry and called 911.
A mob has gathered outside Tucker Carlson’s home demanding his family leave DC because he is a “racist scumbag.”
“Every night you spread fear into homes — we remind you that you are not safe either”
Tucker has 4 children.
The Left is sick.https://t.co/rXs8pUmhxu pic.twitter.com/1R9O9UcTYM
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) November 8, 2018
“It wasn’t a protest. It was a threat,” Carlson correctly explained.
The Post reports that a since-deleted video of the Antifa protest showed a woman saying she wanted to “bring a pipe bomb” to his house.
“They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in,” Carlson said.
It should be noted that the mob went through the trouble of finding out where Carlson lives and organized a mass threat, but we’re somehow supposed to believe that they didn’t know he’d be taping his show at the time and the only people that could possibly be in the house were his wife and children?
Cowards, all of them.
This is what the left wants
This type of physical threat, this intimidation, fear, doxxing, etc., is exactly what the left wants.
Smash Racism DC is the same Antifa group that chased Senator Ted Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant in DC. The restaurant harassment has been a common theme of the left, but rather than denouncing it, leftist media personalities have celebrated their efforts.
Anyone recall when “conservative blogger” Jennifer Rubin said public harassment of Trump officials should be a “life sentence”?
This is contemptible https://t.co/4rF6jP9VTO via @newsbusters
— Rich Lowry (@RichLowry) July 2, 2018
CNN claimed it was racist to criticize a white-as-the-driven-snow group like Antifa, with low-IQ hosts like Chris Cuomo saying the organization had the moral right to some of their actions.
Even some of the higher echelon of the Democrat Party has encouraged this kind of violence. Maxine Waters and Cory Booker have practically made harassment part of their platform.
2020 contender Hillary Clinton scoffed at the notion that people should act with civility towards those with differing political views, saying “Oh, give me a break.”
She would go on to say that the only way civility will return to politics is when the Democrats regain control of power in Washington.
Well, it’s after the midterms, Hillary. The Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives.
When will the civility return?