Trump Calls Out Pelosi For Deleting Video In Which She Says Coronavirus Fears ‘Unwarranted’

President Trump on Thursday shared a damning video of Nancy Pelosi visiting Chinatown in San Francisco, and telling people that fears of the coronavirus were unwarranted.

Bay Area station KNTV reported on her visit.

“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco’s Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there’s no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns,” according to the news station.

Damning Video

How do we know it’s damning?

Because she deleted it.

“Crazy Nancy Pelosi deleted this from her Twitter account,” Trump wrote. “She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA.”

“Based on her statement, she is responsible for many deaths,” he added. “She’s an incompetent, third-rate politician!”

There’s really not one word in that tweet that is inaccurate.

RELATED: Trump Hammers ‘Incompetent’ Pelosi For Trying to Politicize Coronavirus

Responsible For Many Deaths

During her visit, well after the President had instituted a travel ban from China and declared a public health emergency, Pelosi was seen traveling about Chinatown urging Americans to shop and eat there.

“Everything is fine,” she said. “All is well.”

One reporter asked Pelosi, “how irrational is it that people are staying away from Asian-owned businesses”?

“It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s not just Asian-owned now. You see in Italy where the fashion shows and all of that were done without an audience because people were not coming,” Pelosi replied.

“So, again, this fear is – I think – unwarranted in light of the precautions that are being taken here in the United States.”

RELATED: Nancy Antoinette: Pelosi Shows Off Luxury Refrigerators And Gourmet Ice Cream While Americans Suffer

Partying in Chinatown

During Wednesday evening’s coronavirus press briefing, the President called out Pelosi for pretending there were no problems and partying in Chinatown.

“They didn’t want us to close our borders to China, to Wuhan specifically. They didn’t want our borders closed,” Trump told reporters.

“I did that very early while Nancy Pelosi was trying to have in San Francisco parties in Chinatown because she thought it would be great,” the President suggested. “She wanted to show that this thing doesn’t exist.”

Maybe that’s why Pelosi deleted the video from her own social media account.

She didn’t want people thinking, as Trump claims, that she is “responsible for many deaths.”

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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