Former Rep. Donna Edwards (D- MD) went on MSNBC on Tuesday to downplay the Democrats’ shrinking majority in the House, claiming that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is so “masterful” that she will still easily be able to push through Joe Biden’s agenda.
“Nancy Pelosi, it is going to be razor-thin,” MSNBC host Kacie Hunt said of the small majority Democrats will have. “It’s just going to be a handful of votes she’s going to be able to lose.”
“You have seen her behind the scenes,” she added. “You know how she works. How do you think she’s going to handle that? How is she going to keep her people together in the face of potentially a lot of frustration from some of her members?”
Edwards Says Pelosi Is ‘Masterful’
“I think as a leader and as Speaker Nancy Pelosi is masterful in knowing the temperature and taking the temperature of her caucus,” Edwards replied. “I think that we will see that come 2021. Her major job is going to make sure that the Biden agenda at least gets a good, clean start in the House of Representatives to send over to the Senate.”
“I think for a lot of those members, I mean, I saw her work in small groups in one on one meetings with members to really understand where the leverage is within that caucus,” she added. “And even though it’s going to be a slim majority, I don’t think that you’re going to see a circumstance where Pelosi brings bills to the Floor and then loses on those votes.”
“She’s not going to lose anything that she brings to the floor, but she’s going to do some very careful treading when it comes to reading her caucus,” Edwards concluded.
Pelosi In Panic Mode
This comes after it was reported that Pelosi was resorting to begging House Democrats not to join the Biden administration so that they could keep the majority in the House.
“Nancy is telling House members, ‘Now is not the time to leave,’” a Democratic official who has been briefed by Democratic congressional representatives told the New York Post.
Related: Pelosi Begs House Dems Not To Join Team Biden So They Can Keep Majority
“The feeling is: Don’t make rash decisions about going to the administration without first considering consequences to the caucus,” explained another Democratic insider, who added that the “zeitgeist” of Pelosi and other Democratic House leaders is that their majority is “razor thin.”
This piece was written by James Samson on December 30, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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