Senator John Fetterman, Fresh from the Hospital, Returns to Senate Looking Like a Bum

Senator John Fetterman made his triumphant return to the Senate Monday sporting baggy shorts and an oversized black hoodie sweatshirt.
Screenshot: Twitter Video - @Breaking911

Senator John Fetterman made his triumphant return to the Senate Monday, arriving at the Capitol sporting baggy shorts and an oversized black Carhartt hoodie sweatshirt and looking for all the world like a disrespectful tourist.

Fetterman was returning following a six-week stay in the hospital where he was treated for clinical depression.

The Pennsylvania Democrat refused to field questions from reporters.

“It’s great to be back. Thank you,” Fetterman said as he walked into the building. He raised his hands upward, then crossed them over his chest as if to clutch his heart, thankful for the support.

The display was unbefitting an intern or the Capitol grounds janitorial crew, let alone a member of the United States Senate.

Video shows the Senator walking in what looks to me like a labored manner, wobbling as he turned away from the cameras. But then, perhaps that is his normal gait.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson: How Can John Fetterman Co-Sponsor Legislation From the ‘Psych Ward’?

Fetterman Returns to the Senate Looking a Little Haggard

I’d be curious to know what our readers think – Is Fetterman’s attire refreshingly simple, a man of the people ensemble, or are you disgusted seeing this man serving in the Senate?

Would you think differently if Mitch McConnell returned to the Senate yesterday after falling and he showed up looking like a slovenly drunkard, wearing a similar outfit?

And you have to love the completely detached statement, “It’s great to be back. Thank you.”

I’m actually a little surprised he didn’t simply respond to questions with, “Hi. Good night, everybody.”

Prior to being elected, Fetterman had experienced a stroke which left him quite obviously unable to understand words and meanings, or even to express the same.

One month into his term, he was hospitalized overnight after reportedly feeling ‘lightheaded’ during a Democratic retreat.

He checked himself into Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for clinical depression shortly thereafter.

RELATED: Sloppily-Clad Fetterman Named to NY Times Most ‘Stylish’ List, Set to Appear in Christian Bale Movie

Ladies and Gentleman: Your ‘Most Stylish’ Senator

It’s pretty wild to see Fetterman arriving at the Capitol building looking like he rolled out of bed when just a few short months ago he was named to the New York Times list of ‘Most Stylish People of 2022’.

No, we’re not kidding.

The Times put Fetterman on a list of other presumably fashionable individuals and called him ‘stylish.’

“The senator-elect from Pennsylvania is going to bring Carhartt to the Capitol,” they wrote.

Fetterman isn’t bringing Carhartt to the Capitol, he’s bringing ogre-chic to the Capitol.

The New York Times printed a lengthy report in February describing how Senate colleagues have had to adjust to the Pennsylvania congressman’s “special needs.”

Auditory issues since the stroke caused him to hear voices that sound like the teacher in the “Peanuts” cartoons. He needs special monitors and tablets to understand basic conversation.

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But damn it, he looks stylish!

When Shrek’s cousin isn’t showing off his ‘style’, he’s appearing alongside Hollywood legend Christian Bale in a movie titled The Pale Blue Eye.

“John’s got this incredible face,” Bale said. “That’s a face that fits in the 1830s.”

That’s a face that belongs propped up in a remake of Weekend at Bernie’s.

Fetterman, despite his lengthy absence, is set to chair a Senate panel examining federal food benefits later this week.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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