Civil war!
At least, that’s what sounds like is happening currently between major Fox News hosts. In an interview with Time Magazine, news anchor Shepard Smith said the more opinion-based shows on his network are supposed to be “entertaining,” rather than informative. The report comes via The Hill:
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith says opinion programming on his network doesn’t “really have rules” and exists “strictly to be entertaining,” in an interview published Thursday.
“Some of our opinion programming is there strictly to be entertaining,” Smith told Time Magazine‘s Daniel D’Addario in a piece titled, “Shep Smith Has the Hardest Job on Fox News.”
Smith’s fellow Fox hosts were not happy about his characterization. Sean Hannity was the first to fire off a heated tweet:
While Shep is a friend with political views I do not share, and great at breaking news, he is clueless about what we do every day. Hannity breaks news daily-Warrant on a Trump assoc, the unmasking scandal, leaking intel, Fisa abuse, HRC lawbreaking, dossier and more REAL NEWS! 9p https://t.co/zJpnnyFTtP
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) March 16, 2018
Wow. Is Shep so clueless as to not understand what his own colleague does on his own evening show? Perhaps Smith should watch Hannity’s show from time to time to get a better idea of what his program is about.
Laura Ingraham was the next to weigh in on Shep’s comments. Like Hannity, she wasn’t pleased.
Always liked Shep, but his comments were inconsiderate & inaccurate. The hard working team at the Ingraham Angle does real reporting, develops impt sources and scores big interviews. Very proud of them. https://t.co/3aR1EHAK3Z
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 16, 2018
“Inconsiderate & inaccurate.” You can say that again. While it’s true that shows like Hannity’s and Ingraham’s aren’t straight news programs, they do include original reporting.
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Fox fans on Twitter weren’t happy about Smith’s comments either:
This man is a loser. @ShepNewsTeam IS FAKE NEWS. Cant hold Hannitys jock. Go to CNN with all of the rest of the sickos. pic.twitter.com/QLTcE282RY
— Boston ☆MAGA☆ 🇺🇸 (@JSarahjoy) March 16, 2018
It’s called affirmative action. @FoxNews has to at least employ one a$$hole. = @ShepNewsTeam
— CNNS***HOLE (@ReleaseTheMemos) March 16, 2018
And what do you called @ShepNewsTeam’s program? Oh yeah, that’s right, liberal propaganda for the perpetually grieved. @FoxNews should characterize “Shep Smith Reporting” as an opinion program too. The man is the personification of a Class A tool. https://t.co/jxfXx2y6kn
— Trey Mays ن (@TreyMays) March 16, 2018
What do you think about Shep Smith’s comments? Do you agree? Tell us your thoughts below!