Samuel L. Jackson Attacks Trump Supporters, Republicans As Racist Rednecks

Samuel L. Jackson Trump
Source: Screenshot YouTube Source: Screenshot YouTube

The Hollywood star Samuel L. Jackson launched a vile attack on supporters of the former President Donald Trump and on the Republican Party as a whole this week, implying that they are all racist rednecks.

Jackson Bashes Trump Supporters

“When I grew up in segregation, I knew which white people didn’t want to be bothered with me and I knew how they felt about me,” Jackson, 74, told Rolling Stone. “I know how the Republicans feel about me now because of what my mindset is.”

“When I see Trump, I see the same rednecks I saw when I was growing up who called me “n*****” and tried to keep me in my place,” he continued. “That’s what the Republican Party is to me. They’re doing it to young people, gay people. They don’t care who you are. If you’re not them, you’re the enemy.”

This was part of Jackson’s response when asked about being an usher at the funeral of Martin Luther King Jr. back in 1968.

“The world seems to be in as hard a place as it’s always been. As a child of the ’60s, watching what happened at the 1968 Democratic Convention, and seeing the police beating those demonstrators — and those were young white kids — I learned there’s a certain kind of thing that the powers that be don’t want us doing,” Jackson said. “One of them is protesting what they think they want us to do.”

“So when George Floyd happened, it was great to see all the different faces of kids out there fighting the injustice and what the power was doing once again to keep you from having an open mind or keep you from creating change that is not the change they want made,” he continued. “That part has not changed. In my opinion, it’s kind of worse. They used to hide it. Now, they don’t hide it anymore!”

Related: ‘Avengers’ Star Compares Donald Trump to a Plantation Owner

Jackson Bonds With Brie Larson Over Hating Trump

In this same interview, Jackson talked about bonding with his The Marvels co-star Brie Larson while they made the film Unicorn Store because she was “broken” over Trump being elected president back in 2016.

“We bonded through the election while we were doing her movie when Donald Trump won,” he explained. “She was broken and I was like, ‘Don’t let ‘em break you. You have to be strong now.'”

Somehow, both Jackson and Larson managed to survive the Trump presidency as two of the highest paid liberal elites in Hollywood. These days, Jackson has an estimated net worth of $250 million, and Larson’s net worth is estimated to be $25 million, so don’t feel too sorry for those two liberal snowflakes!

Related: Samuel L. Jackson Backs Rashida Tlaib Who Cursed at Trump

Jackson’s Previous Attack On Trump And His Supporters

Jackson’s latest interview was far from the first time that he targeted Trump.

“This motherf—er is like ruining the planet and all kinds of other crazy shit,” Jackson told Esquire back in 2019.

Not stopping there, Jackson sent a brutal message to those who support Trump.

“I know how many motherf—ers hate me. ‘I’m never going to see a Sam Jackson movie again.’ F— I care?” Jackson said. “If you never went to another movie I did in my life, I’m not going to lose any money. I already cashed that check. F— you. Burn up my videotapes. I don’t give a f—. ‘You’re an actor. Stick to acting.’ ‘No, motherf—er. I’m a human being that feels a certain way.’’

Jackson’s comments are a prime example of what the liberal elites of Hollywood think of the millions of Americans who are Republicans that voted for Trump, as they love to look down on the working class from their Beverly Hills mansions.

In the end, Jackson can rant against conservative Americans all that he wants to, but it’s not going to change the way we vote!

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