RNC Says They Will Be Neutral If Trump Runs In 2024 – But Polls Show GOP Voters Definitely Won’t

RNC trump

The Republican National Committee (RNC) says it will not actively back former President Donald Trump should he decide to run again in 2024 and will remain neutral in the contest.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said in an interview with the Associated Press that, “The party has to stay neutral. I’m not telling anybody to run or not to run in 2024. That’s going to be up to those candidates  going forward. What I really do want to see him do, though, is help us win back majorities in 2022.”

RELATED: Matt Gaetz And Liz Cheney Trade Barbs In Battle For Future Of The Republican Party

There Are Visible Differences In The GOP

2020 Senior Advisor to the Trump campaign Jason Miller says that is exactly what Trump wants to do.

Miller says the president, “made clear his goal is to win back the House and Senate for Republicans in 2022.” 

But there are some visible fissures in the Republican Party. All is not well for 2022.

A perfect example of that is the recent sniping between Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Liz Cheney (R-WY).

Gaetz, a strong and vocal supporter of Donald Trump, flew to Cheney’s state of Wyoming to campaign against her, after she voted to impeach President Trump.

When Gaetz announced he would go to Wyoming to help “inspire” voters to oust Cheney, her office responded with snark, stating, “Rep. Gaetz can leave his beauty bag at home. In Wyoming the men don’t wear make-up.” 

There has been a lot of speculation as to what Donald Trump’s future plans might be, aside from helping the GOP in 2022.

Indications are that Trump won’t just be helping the GOP, but trying to reshape it as well.

There has been talk of Trump starting a third party. Donald has even come up with a name for it, the “Patriot Party.”

Reports indicated that Trump was using the specter of a third party to hold Republicans in line on the upcoming impeachment trial. 

Instead, The Donald has apparently decided to primary challenge “Never Trump” Republicans.

It was also reported that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was “pleased” about impeachment, saying he thought that it might help to “purge” Trump from the Republican Party.

What McConnell and the rest of his crowd don’t seem to realize is that he may very well “purge” Republican voters, angry at the party for dissing Trump. 

A poll from Axios shows that Republicans side with Trump over McConnell – big time. 

There has also been belief that Trump may start a media outlet to rival Fox News.

Trump has been highly critical of the conservative news channel since the early call for Arizona for Joe Biden on election night.

RELATED: McConnell Turns On Trump Again: Says Trump Responsible For Capitol Violence

America First vs. America Last

The divide within the Republican Party may be just this simple, but simple isn’t always without casualties. There is clearly now a Trump wing of the party which includes guys like Matt Gaetz.

That fact makes the Mitch McConnells and the Liz Cheneys of the party crazy.  

Gaetz’s America First vision of a strong economy, peace, low taxes and regulations, and less government interference – the things that Trump ran on in 2016 – have more of an attraction to average Americans.

What Trump called the “America Last” agenda consists of sending American troops hither and yon for indefinite periods of time, not standing up to the liberal Democrat agenda, and voting to impeach a president that his supporters feel is the only one listening to them.

The Cheney/McConnell types support the latter vision.

And they seem to be hanging on for dear life to the idea of Democrat “unity.” The definition of which is usually means ‘Republicans shut up and cave to Democrats.’ 

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The Numbers Are In Trump’s Favor 

A Rasmussen survey released on Tuesday said that 56% of Republican voters “believe that Trump should either probably or definitely run for president again in 2024, or at least be a political power figure.

Fifty-three percent believe a third party is a good idea.

The aforementioned Axios poll has a whopping 92% of Republicans agreeing that Trump should be the GOP candidate for President in 2024.

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