President to Grant Amnesty to Millions of Illegal Immigrants Before Elections?

Weeks ago, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) accidentally slipped with information on why his party was pushing for amnesty for illegals. Essentially, his party is looking for an influx of new members.

In a discussion about the benefits of amnesty for the Democrat party, Gutiérrez explained that “we can get three or four or maybe even five million people.”

In an interview with Fox’s Neil Cavuto, Gutiérrez expanded that estimate dramatically, hinting that 6 million illegals could receive amnesty under the President’s executive actions.

Via the Daily Caller:

For the first time on Wednesday, Democratic congressman Luis Gutierrez hinted that “over six million undocumented workers” will be granted amnesty through President Obama’s impending executive action — greatly expanding his usual estimate of around five million illegal immigrants.

“Congressman, you have to know something we do not,” he asked on Wednesday. “What?”

Gutierrez demurred, claiming only that he’s been “listening very, very carefully. We’ve been in meetings with people at Homeland Security and the White House for months now.”

“How will he act?” Cavuto later asked.

“Here is what I believe is going to happen,” Gutierrez said. “He’s gonna say, ‘God, there’s over six million undocumented workers that have been here ten years or more. They’ve established roots in their community.”

“So you’re saying six million, then, will be granted status?” Cavuto pressed.

Watch the interview below…

Here is one of the more absurd political statements you’ll see from Gutiérrez:

“Here’s my hope. It’ll happen before the election, sometime in the next 45 days before the election. Because I think there should be no political consideration or consequences considered. We should do this because it’s the right thing to do.”

If Gutiérrez honestly believed that there should be no political consideration when it comes to doing ‘the right thing’ in regards to amnesty, then any action on the matter should be taken after the elections, not 45 days prior.

That 6 million figure meanwhile, comes dangerously close to what an Obama crony estimated would be required to allow the Democrat party to create “a governing coalition of the long term.”

Rather than being devoid of any political consideration, the sole reason Democrats are pushing so hard for amnesty is to strengthen their voter enrollment numbers. They’re trying to purchase the votes of people willing to disregard American laws, illegally cross her borders.

16 thoughts on “President to Grant Amnesty to Millions of Illegal Immigrants Before Elections?”

  1. We all know that this is for political gain for the Democrats. They ONLY know how to play DIRTY POLITICS. But this is illegal which doesn’t stop this president. But the one thing that will help stop him is all of you signing this petition. We the people have the power. Now is the time to employ this constitutional provision. SIGN the petition:

  2. My voting district always asks for my voter registration card. Which I show them everytime. Simple, either show your card or citizenship papers before being allowed to vote. If you think this isn’t important don’t be surprised to find Obama as your permanent dictator.

    1. But what will we do with all the illegals? Can a new president deport 11 million bodies back where they came from. An amendment to the constitution needs to be added stating that all anchor babies born after a certain date are not US citizens and neither are their parent’s. How many times are we going to allow amnesty to these illegals?

  3. NOPE!….. one has to be a citizen to vote…. illegals are criminals and should be treated as such. Amnesty is about forgiveness of a crime…. not citizenship. Democrats (aka socialist thugs) seem to think they are above the law or the law doesn’t apply to them. That’s the big difference between Dems and GOP…. Republicans support and obey the laws… Dems… break the law and will get away with it.

    1. Everyone should have to show IDs, but the government would just give them fake ones. With the president working against us the republican need to take the Senate and then impeach Obama asap. I can’t believe Biden would be worse.

    1. Too many folks just naively consider obammi to be an unavoidable problem that was elected and now must be tolerated, this “marxist thug” is a traitor and has done more damage to our freedoms that all the foreign wars we have ever fought, he should be tried and HANGED !

    1. Barak Obammi is an enemy of America, hes trying to institute “global socialism” in our country and they figure most of the world will then follow the “trail of goodies” that will be stolen from working Americans and redistributed to the “moochers of the world! It is very plain to see, if Americans sit still for this aggression much longer, our freedom and the “greatest nation on Earth will disappear ! The jealousy and false entitlement being offered by MARXISM is plainly preferred by a lazy, minority driven populace instead of “a good, respectful life in exchange for the opportunity to support yourself and family !

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