Fox News has spent the last couple of weeks hyping a special that aired last night titled “O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession.” It was a two-hour special that the network had been promoting as a “shocking, must-see interview that was recently found.”
Originally shot in 2006, the footage was hardly “recently found,” but rather known of and sat on for over a decade, presumably with a future special in mind. A trailer for the special teased a recording featuring Simpson himself (in 2006), stating, “I’m going to tell you a story you’ve never heard before. It’s concerning the murder of my ex-wife Nicole Brown Smith and her young friend Ronald Goldman. Forget everything you think you know about that night, because I know the facts better than everyone.”
“This is one story the whole world got wrong,” he said.
Surprisingly, the show actually did manage to live up to the hype. There is something of a confession from Simpson, but it’s in coded language about how he “hypothetically” would’ve done certain hypothetical things the night of the two infamous murders.
As BizPacReview summarized,
In the previously unseen interview, Simpson laughs and jokes throughout as he talked about the grisly murder of his ex-wife and her friend, revealing stunning details based on his book “If I Did It.”
Hypothetical details.
Simpson prosecutor Christopher Darden, who was seated on a panel to comment on the interview, saw it differently.
“I think he’s confessed to murder,” Darden said of the video footage.
At one point in the interview, the alleged murderer told Regan, “[W]e are out of the hypothetical now.”
In fact, Simpson can be seen slipping from the hypothetical and talking in the first person as described Goldman taking a karate stance.
“You think you can kick my ass?” Simpson said he asked Goldman. “I remember I grabbed the knife.” Simpson said the next thing he knew, he was standing in “all kinds of … blood and stuff.” “I hate to say it, but this is hypothetical,” he quickly interjected with a hearty laugh, as he realized that he was giving a very descriptive first person account.
Did you tune in last night? Let us know what you thought in the comments section below.