Immigration Protesters Confront Mitch McConnell’s Wife Elaine Chao – Then She Fights Back

mitch mcconnell wife

The Democrat-sponsored harassment of Republican officials continues unabated.

On Tuesday, a group of illegal immigration supporters confronted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao, as they were leaving an engagement at Georgetown University.

The group somehow managed to just waltz right up to the senator’s SUV, surrounding the couple as they tried to leave, and repeatedly shouted at them.

“Why are you separating families, huh?” one protester demanded. “Why are you separating families?”

Another shouted repeatedly, “How does he sleep at night?!”

Others played audio of crying children in a misguided attempt to argue against the administration’s current “zero tolerance” policy of enforcing the law at the southern border.

Chao was having none of it, dishing it back to these young men trying to intimidate her with her own equal fervor.

“Why don’t you leave my husband alone!” she shouted. “You leave my husband alone.”

When did it become okay for liberals to harass an Asian woman who works for the White House?

Oh, that’s right, when it became mainstream in the Democrat Party to threaten and intimidate women as long as they’re Republicans.

And how is it even possible that this group, considering the political atmosphere at this time, was able to just walk right up to the vehicle of a sitting senator, the Senate Majority Leader no less, without any form of security stepping in to stop them?

This isn’t an unknown issue. Maxine Waters, a very high-profile Democrat, has repeatedly called for supporters to harass and incite violence against members of the Trump administration in recent days. (RELATED: Lawmaker Introduces Measure to Censure Maxine Waters After Calls to Violence).

Liberal protesters have already engaged in multiple instances of harassment against Republican women including Flordia Attorney General Pam Bondi, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

Chalk up another woman falling victim to the harassment in Chao, the Department of Transportation Secretary.

Ironically, and surely unbeknownst to these supporters of illegal immigration, Chao used the immigration system properly and legally when she came to America at the age of eight.

She would go on to become the first Asian American woman, and the first Chinese American in U.S. history, to be appointed to a President’s Cabinet – a true American immigration success story.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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