Michelle Obama: Women Who Voted Against Hillary Voted Against Themselves

Looks like even the women who voted for Donald Trump in the last election are sexist and misogynist.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama argued that female Trump supporters went against the cause of their gender by voting for Trump.

“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice,” she told the crowd at a conference in Boston.

Obama added that a woman voting against Hillary didn’t reflect poorly on the candidate, it reflected poorly on those women.

Um … Isn’t that sexist?

“It doesn’t say as much about Hillary, and everybody’s trying to worry about what it means for Hillary and no, no, no, what does this mean for us, as women?” Obama claimed.


But wait, it gets even more sexist, as Obama says that any woman who voted for Trump simply did so because that’s who they were being told to like.

“That we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, ‘He’s better for me. His voice is more true to me.’ To me that just says, you don’t like your voice. You like the thing you’re told to like,” she said.

That is an absolutely remarkable statement. Remarkable in that had a Republican reversed this, suggesting that the only reason a woman actually voted for Clinton was because they were told to like her, that person would be castigated from here to hell and back for their misogynist comments.

But it’s Michelle Obama, so it’s totally okay to say women are too dumb to think for themselves.

In a demonstration that the two former First Ladies are on the same page, Hillary recently made the same suggestion herself, the suggestion that women only voted against her because their husbands told them to.


“Women will have no empathy for you because they will be under tremendous pressure — and I’m talking principally about white women — they will be under tremendous pressure from fathers, and husbands, and boyfriends and male employers, not to vote for ‘the girl,'” she said in an interview with NPR.

Sheesh … I’m old enough to remember when Democrats thought ‘binders full of women’ was a sexist statement.

Now however, it’s okay to say they’re too dumb, or too afraid of their husbands to have voted for Hillary. What a bunch of sexist statements.

What do you think – Did women who voted for Trump make the right choice? Share your thoughts below!

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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