Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has officially joined the Fox News network as a contributor.
The announcement was made by network host Harris Faulkner at the end of an exclusive interview with McEnany on her show, “The Faulkner Focus.”
“It is my distinct pleasure today to welcome Kayleigh McEnany to the Fox family,” Faulkner announced at the end of the segment. “We will be seeing much more of her in the future.”
While the network declined to comment further for an NBC report, an article on the Fox website reads like an endorsement for why they made the hire.
“McEnany quickly emerged as a hero to conservatives when she replaced Stephanie Grisham as White House press secretary in April 2020,” they write.
“She brought a new passion to the briefing room as she came armed with facts and information that regularly helped expose hypocrisy among the media,” they added. “She didn’t shy away from confrontation and excelled at delivering the president’s messaging.”
“It is my distinct pleasure today to welcome @kayleighmcenany to the Fox family. We will be seeing much more of her in the future.” pic.twitter.com/sV1eSMgCH4
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 2, 2021
Kayleigh McEnany Joining Fox News
One of Kayleigh McEnany’s most endearing qualities is turning reporters from any outlet not named Fox News into bumbling fools.
She recently blasted Jake Tapper after the CNN anchor claimed he refuses to have her on his show because she “lies all the time.”
McEnany took to Twitter to flatten Jake, posting a video segment of him making the claim and labeling it “a therapy session for a broken network.”
“Jake’s real problem,” she said, “I do not leak. I do not lie. But I DO call out the lies of the media (i.e. CNN Russia collusion hoax!)”
This is a therapy session for a broken network, and @jaketapper is lazy enough to participate by lobbing baseless personal attacks, with ZERO evidence.
Jake’s real problem:
I do not leak.
I do not lie.
But I DO call out the lies of the media (i.e. CNN Russia collusion hoax!) https://t.co/Gz0RWbwhJZ
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) December 27, 2020
This past spring she took down CNN anchor Chris Cuomo after he mocked former President Donald Trump for taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure against coronavirus.
It turned out Cuomo actually took a form of the drug during his own treatment for the virus.
This takedown of Chris Cuomo is one for the record books:@PressSec exposes that Cuomo is a complete hypocrite for going after Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine when Cuomo himself took a LESS SAFE version of the drug after he tested positive for COVID-19.
??? pic.twitter.com/PHVjP3SR0A
— Caleb Hull (I’m With the CCP Don’t Ban Me) (@CalebJHull) May 20, 2020
She repeatedly turned CNN reporter Jim Acosta into a journalistic punching bag.
Kayleigh McEnany smokes Jim Acosta:
“You have to let me answer your question, Jim. This isn’t a cable news segment. This is the White House podium.” pic.twitter.com/z2chinIqKM
— August Takala (@AugustTakala) June 19, 2020
And she obliterated the media when they tried to call her out for downplaying coronavirus concerns early on in the pandemic.
This is amazing???. Watch WH Press Sec @kayleighmcenany torch fake news media outlets on their BS propaganda and fake news “reporting.” pic.twitter.com/TTWQIZswQq
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 6, 2020
Earlier this year, an op-ed by the staff at Forbes threatened companies who plan to hire members of former President Trump’s inner circle that they will immediately be dismissed by the magazine as liars.
“Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie,” the column reads.
Among those listed in the op-ed were McEnany and several other press secretaries who served Trump.
If @JoeBiden really wants to unite the country, he will condemn the out-of-control #cancelculture and Great Purge. https://t.co/Ts7dUAEhXz
— Kelsey Bolar (Harkness) (@kelseybolar) January 12, 2021
Forbes proceeded to make a very explicit threat to report negatively on any company that dares to hire any of the people listed above.
“Want to ensure the world’s biggest business media brand approaches you as a potential funnel of disinformation?” they caution. “Then hire away.”
We’re sure Fox News and the increased ratings they’ll get from appearances by Kayleigh McEnany are petrified.