Hillary Clinton Still Wearing Surgical Boot Two Months After Breaking Toe

hillary clinton broken toe boot

Back in October, Hillary Clinton showed up late to several media interviews in the UK after falling down some stairs and breaking her toe. Two months later, she’s still wearing a surgical boot on the affected foot.

Clinton was in Vancouver Tuesday for the last stop of her worldwide book tour promoting her finger-pointing memoir, “What Happened,” and she was clearly wearing a boot on her right foot.

Generally, toe fractures take between four to six weeks to heal. Yet here we are eight weeks after Clinton’s tumble and she still needs a boot for some reason.

Clinton was unsurprisingly mum about the extent of the injury when it happened, but, according to her, she tripped while running down the stairs in heels – and somehow fell backwards. But now that she’s still wearing a boot two months later, people are skeptical that all she did was break a toe.

Clinton sure seems to have a problem staying on her feet. Remember when she nearly fainted following at the 9/11 memorial just before the 2016 election? And in 2013 she coincidentally fell in her home the night before she was set to testify before the House Benghazi committee, resulting in her having to wear a pair of special prism lenses to help with double vision.

Clearly, Clinton is not being forthright about her health. But when has she ever been forthright about anything?

What do you make of the fact that Clinton is still wearing a boot two months after “breaking a toe”? Share your thoughts and comments below and be sure to share this story on Facebook!

By Ann
Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers ... More about Ann
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