Yes It Can Happen Here!
What is taking place throughout France as the “yellow vest” mafia pillages cities – burning cars, vandalizing buildings, and just causing pure chaos – could most definitely happen here. The demands of those protesting in France actually aren’t all that different than the demands we hear from the likes of the self-avowed socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her partner in socialism Bernie Sanders.
We watch as both Cortez and Sanders continuously rile up the masses here in the United States with talk of an increase in the minimum wage, socialized medicine, higher taxes, global warming schemes, and the granddaddy of them all – generalized redistribution of wealth. And all of this is accomplished by demonizing the rich.
What we are seeing in France, and what could easily happen here if we are not careful, is essentially class warfare in action. The protesters have been quoted saying, “The people are desperate, kill the bourgeois” – the bourgeois being the supporters of capitalism, those middle classers who own a portion of the wealth but do so because they have worked for what it is they have. This is the very same sentiment we see all too often here in the United States, albeit those on the left aren’t attempting to kill the “bourgeois” just yet – but the Democrats have in large part become the modern day socialist party and their own “yellow vest” rioters are ready to start a war on capitalism.
Divide and Conquer
The citizenry here should all take a long hard look at what is taking place in France and realize that we are ever so close to that type of violence breaking out in cities throughout this great country of ours. Progressives within the Democrat Party have been on a crusade for decades to divide us – as division creates strife, resulting in the desire for more government. Isn’t that exactly what we are seeing take place in France?
The middle class in France is being squeezed by high taxes and overbearing regulations, many of which are implemented in the name of climate change. As a result the middle class is crying out for an increase in the minimum wage, redistribution of wealth, and other government-led initiatives designed to “help the middle class” while demonizing the so called “rich” or “bourgeois” all the while leaving the elites and uber-wealthy completely untouched.
And never mind that the French people voted for these exact policies.
Demonize the “Rich”
The term “rich” is relative: one could feel rich if they have a decent house, a modest car, a good job, and nice clothes to wear. Others may see “rich” as a mansion with a Ferrari in the driveway. And others – the uber-wealthy elites – have riches beyond what any one of us could possibly relate to. Where am I going with this?
We constantly hear about the so-called rich and how they are ruining our society and our country. This is all a ploy to create division within society, which is best put into perspective by understanding the vision of the left through the eyes of Karl Marx. Marx envisioned society as made up of two distinct classes of people; the proletariat, or the worker, and the bourgeois, or the modern-day capitalist. Whenever we hear the Democrats rant about the rich, in reality they are ranting against those who make our capitalist system work – the small business owners, the CEOs of many of the businesses we shop at, doctors, etc. They aren’t ranting against the wealth of the music artists, the athletes, or the bluebloods.
The modern-day socialist realizes that the best way to create a social divide to precipitate a crisis by which they can further their power is to demonize those with whom we can relate to like the small business owner, doctor, and others who are wealthy but not so wealthy they are completely disconnected from our social class.
So to answer the question – could what is taking place in France happen here? – it’s yes, it absolutely can happen here and the socialist movement within the Democrat Party is hard at work attempting to create the social divide necessary to usher in their grand plan.