The FBI made a bombshell announcement on Thursday when the bureau revealed it had thwarted a plot by a Michigan militia to abduct and kill Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Six People Arrested For Plot To Kidnap Whitmer
Six people were arrested following raids in Wexford County and Hartland late Wednesday, according to The Detroit News. An FBI agent wrote in the affidavit that these six individuals talked about murdering”tyrants” or “taking” a sitting governor.
The affidavit went on to say that members of the militia carried out surveillance on Whitmer’s vacation home on at least two occasions, and they plotted to kidnap her and take her to a remote location to stand “trial” for treason before the election on November 3.
“Snatch and grab, man. Grab the f—in’ Governor. Just grab the bitch,” one of the militia members is quoting as saying.
The arrested individuals also talked about having 200 men “storm the Capitol building in Lansing and take hostages, including the governor,” the affidavit added.
It went on to say that during one meeting, they “discussed plans for assaulting the Michigan State Capitol, countering law enforcement first responders, and using ‘Molotov cocktails’ to destroy police vehicles.”
One person suggested knocking on her door “and when she answers it just cap her.”
Whitmer Targeted For Strict COVID Restrictions
Whitmer was targeted after she became known for enforcing some of the strictest and most controversial COVID-19 restrictions in the country.
Back in June, one of the members of the militia referred to the Michigan governor as “this tyrant b****,” and stated, “I don’t know, boys, we gotta do something.”
One of the other arrested militia members allegedly said that Whitmer “has no checks and balances at all. She has uncontrolled power right now.”
“All good things must come to an end,” he continued.
Another militia member called Whitmer a “f—in’ political parasite,” adding, “The world would be better without that person.”
Members of this unnamed militia met up for firearms training and tactical drills, and they purchased a Taser and night goggles for the kidnapping.
“All of us can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never, ever result in violence,” said US Attorney Matthew Schneider.
“The allegations in this complaint are deeply disturbing. We owe our thanks to the men and women of law enforcement who uncovered this plot and have worked so hard to protect Gov. Whitmer,” he added.
FBI Had Been Watching Militia For Months
The FBI had reportedly been keeping an eye on this militia since March, fearing at the time that they had been trying to trace the home addresses of police officers.
“At the time, the FBI interviewed a member of the militia group who was concerned about the group’s plans to target and kill police officers, and that person agreed to become a (confidential source),” an FBI agent said.
The six arrested individuals have been identified as Ty Garbin, Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta. Whitmer has yet to comment on this situation,.
Seamus Hughes, deputy director of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, explained that the coronavirus “lockdown has been a lightning rod for anti-government extremists in this country.”
“And Gov. Whitmer has been on the forefront of their targeting,” he said.
“All of us can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never, ever result in violence,” US Attorney Matthew Schneider added.
“The allegations in this complaint are deeply disturbing,” he continued. “We owe our thanks to the men and women of law enforcement who uncovered this plot and have worked so hard to protect Gov. Whitmer.”
This piece was written by James Samson on October 8, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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