De Blasio Spokesman Trashes Cuomo: He’s A ‘Serial Sexual Harasser And Assaulter’

de blasio cuomo

The continuing feud between New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo is heating up even more, especially with Cuomo criticizing de Blasio’s plans to reopen his city by July 1.

Which led to the mayor’s spokesman lighting into Cuomo and his scandals in a very aggressive way.

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Gov. Cuomo de Blasio Reopening Plans

When Mayor de Blasio announced that July 1 was his target for reopening New York City after well more than a year of enduring COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, Gov. Cuomo called that decision “irresponsible.”

But not for the reason many readers would expect.

Cuomo said that was too long to wait. “I don’t want to wait that long,” the governor said.

de Blasio Spokesman Pulls No Punches

This apparently did not sit well with de Blasio’s press secretary, Bill Neidhardt.

Neidhardt told a reporter that he basically didn’t care at all what Cuomo thought, and referred specifically to the multiple sexual harassment accusations against the governor as well as allegations that his administration covered up the actual number of coronavirus deaths of seniors in nursing homes for PR reasons.

“I don’t care what a serial sexual harasser and assaulter and someone who covered up the deaths of thousands of people at nursing homes has to say about anything,” Niedhart told the reporter.

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Cuomo And de Blasio Have Clashed Throughout Pandemic

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic Cuomo and de Blasio have butted heads over policy and strategy.   

As governor, Cuomo has insisted he has the power to set state policy for coronavirus restrictions. 

On Thursday, when De Blasio announced his July 1 reopening plan the mayor reportedly did not let the Gov. Cuomo know of his plans ahead of time.


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