Cop Informs Crowd At NJ Gym That They’re Violating Executive Order – Tells Them To ‘Have A Good Day’ And Walks Off As They Cheer

This is awesome!

New Jersey Police Officer

On Monday morning, a New Jersey gym defied its states strict lockdown measures amidst COVID-19. When police showed up at the scene, the crowd of patriots became angry and raucous, as they assumed the worst was about to happen. However, they quickly learned that they were in for a big surprise.

When officers arrived at the gym, the crowd outside immediately thought that they were there to shut the facility down or make arrests. The crowd became agitated and started screaming at the cops, yelling things like, “You have the right to refuse unconstitutional orders!” “Freedom!” and “You swore an oath to protect our rights!”

Finally, the crowd quieted down enough so that one of the officers was able to speak.

“We are and we’re only here for everybody’s safety today,” the cop told them. “We planned for the worst, hoped for the best, and it seems like that’s what we have out here today. Formally, you are all in violation of the executive order.”

The officer then dropped a bombshell surprise on the crowd that nobody saw coming.

“On that note, have a good day,” he said. Everybody be safe.”

With that, the officer turned around, and walked away!

As soon as these words left his lips, the crowd erupted into cheers that sounded like they were coming from a Super Bowl game. A stirring “USA! USA! USA!” chant soon broke out, which was very fitting for this moment!

A man who appeared to be the gym owner appeared afterwards and told the crowd that “this is a beautiful thing” and that “this is for everybody — everybody can open up their businesses. If we can do it, anybody can do it, it’s that simple … this is our right.”

“We were prepared for anything, and that was not what we were expecting,” he added, according to The Blaze.

Things have gotten so bad that even members of law enforcement think that Democrat leaders have gone too far with their lockdown restrictions. With police officers now starting to refuse to enforce these restrictive measures, it won’t be long before Democrats lose control of their states altogether if they don’t start making concessions for their people.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on May 18, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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