CNN host and shameless liberal Van Jones just shocked many when he said that white liberals who voted for Hillary Clinton are actually more dangerous than the Ku Klux Klan.
“It’s not the racist white person who is in the Ku Klux Klan that we have to worry about. It’s the white liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park who would tell you right now, you know, people like that – ‘oh, I don’t see race, race is no big deal to me, I see us all as the same, I give to charities,'” Jones began. “But the minute she sees a black man who she does not respect or who she has a slight thought against, she weaponized race like she had been trained by the Aryan Nation.”
Not stopping there, Jones went on to say that even white liberals can’t help being “racist.”
“A Klan member could not have been better trained to pick up the […] phone and tell the police it’s a black man, ‘African-American man, come get him.’ So even the most liberal, well-intentioned white person has a virus in his or her brain that can be activated at an instant,” he added. “And so what you’re seeing now is a curtain falling away. And those of us who have been burdened by this every minute, every second of our entire lives are fragile right now. We are fragile right now. We are tired.”
Van Jones just said that Hillary Clinton supporters are a bigger threat to black people than the KKK. pic.twitter.com/6vnwUmOrcA
— Seanologues on YouTube! (@seankent) May 29, 2020
Racial tensions are at an all-time high this week after the death of George Floyd, an African American man who died in police custody on Monday. Following his death, a viral video showed a police officer kneeling on Floyd’s neck, pinning him down as he frantically told the cop that he couldn’t breath.
Aside from the Floyd incident, there was another incident this week in which a white woman in Central Park called police to report “suspicious” African American man, who wasn’t found to be doing anything wrong. These racial incidents combined with weeks of being in lockdown due to COVID-19 have caused tensions to boil all over the nation, and for chaos to ensue with no end in sight.
This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on May 29, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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