Fox News’ Chris Wallace criticized presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden harshly recently for continuing to dodge media interviews.
Wallace said during a Fox News Radio interview that Biden’s campaign was not allowing anyone from from their camp to make television appearances on Sunday morning news programs.
The Biden campaign was MIA on the Sunday shows this morning, the day before their convention.
No Biden, no Harris, no campaign advisors, no one.
As Chris Wallace said, it's “the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.”
— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) August 16, 2020
RELATED: Trump Campaign Homes In On Basement Biden And Is Closing Gap In Polls
Wallace on Biden campaign: ‘They are not putting anybody out’
“So, I’ve been doing Sunday shows with conventions – I started on Meet the Press in 1988,” Wallace said. “I’ve been doing it on and off, for what? What is that? Thirty two years.”
Wallace continued, “And it always happens that the Sunday before the convention, the campaign puts out top officials to preview the convention and to say this is what we’re gonna try to get accomplished.”
“So, you know, we’ve [been] counting all week on, you know, having a top official from the Biden campaign, the campaign manager, the top pollster, the chief strategist, to talk about what they’re going to talk about during this next week,” he said, frustrated.
“They are not putting anybody out,” Wallace said.
“And at first I thought, well, maybe it’s because it’s Fox News and they’re boycotting us,” Wallace continued. “No, they’re not putting anybody out on any of the Sunday shows … I don’t understand what’s going on here.”
Wallace: ‘This is the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen’
“This is the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen that you would, you know, you’re basically giving a campaign – and as I say, it’s a traditional thing,” the Fox News anchor remarked. “We’re gonna do it for the Republicans a week from Sunday. What are you trying to accomplish this week? And they, the Biden campaign isn’t putting anybody out.”
“And this just is of a piece with the vice president not doing really any serious interviews, not answering any questions since the rollout,” Wallace continued. “I don’t, you know, you can try, and I understand [it] has worked pretty well, and he continues to lead with what I’ll call the basement strategy.”
RELATED: CNN: Joe Biden Could ‘Step Aside’ For Kamala Harris
“I don’t think you can hide from now ’til Election Day,” Wallace added. “I just I just don’t think it’s possible.”
Fox News’ Bret Baier reiterated Wallace’s point to someone on Twitter this week who wondered why they haven’t interviewed Biden yet.
Baier responded, “We ask every week. And have since his South Carolina primary win.”
We ask every week. And have since his South Carolina primary win.
— Bret Baier (@BretBaier) August 15, 2020
Is “Basement” Joe Biden’s campaign strategy just to hide from serious reporters for the rest of the election?