Nick Givas on October 24, 2018
Former Obama speechwriters and hosts of “Pod Save America” told comedian Stephen Colbert to ease up on his talk of a blue wave and said Democrats could lose everything all over again.
“It’s going to be tight. It’s going to be a close race,” Jon Favreau said on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Tuesday. “It’s been like that since, you know, right after [Donald] Trump became president.”
Colbert said he’s heard talk of a “blue wave,” while Faveau and his co-hosts said the chances of a Democratic takeover have always been “50-50.”
“This has always been 50-50. And the only way we win is if everybody gets off their couch and knocks on doors and makes phone calls and you get three friends to vote,” Tommy Vietor said.
Colbert highlighted early voter turnout as a positive sign for Democrats and former Obama speechwriter Jon Lovett said it’s foolish to try to predict the outcome one wants.
“How many times are we going to do this? All right, it doesn’t matter what the early votes look like. It doesn’t matter what the polls look like. We can lose everything,” Lovett said. “We lost everything two years ago! We can lose everything again! Oh, my God! Stop reading polls. None of you people — none of you people are strategists.”
Colbert switched gears.
“What surprises you about this election? Is it voter suppression? Are you surprised by the scale of that? Because it’s happening all around the country. The Republicans seem to be playing defense with voter suppression. Are you surprised by the scale of it, say, we heard about a bunch in Indiana recently?” he asked.
“What’s surprising is how brazen it is,” Vietor replied. “These voter suppression tactics are not new by any means.”
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