Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra defended the Biden administration’s effort to mobilize a “door-to-door” vaccine push, saying “it is absolutely the government’s business” to know who’s been vaccinated.
Earlier this week, The Political Insider reported on White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announcing a “targeted, community door-to-door outreach” to get Americans vaccinated.
President Biden would reiterate the call to “literally” knock on doors.
“We need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes, door to door — literally knocking on doors — to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” he announced.
BIDEN: “We need to go community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oft times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors” to get people vaccinated. pic.twitter.com/oJ2lG9bqaw
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 6, 2021
RELATED: Biden Announces Feds Will Go ‘Door-to-Door’ To Push COVID Vaccine
Xavier Becerra: We Paid To Keep You Alive, So We Have A Right To Know You’ve Not Been Vaccinated
The idea of the federal government knocking on doors to pressure people into getting a vaccine has led to some consternation.
“How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government,” tweeted Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX).
Sean Parnell, Republican Pennsylvania Senate candidate, responded simply: “Hell no.”
But HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra dismissed their concerns over the government having a list of vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans.
Becerra apparently believes the people owe information on that private medical decision to the feds because “the federal government has spent trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic.”
“So it is absolutely the government’s business,” he claimed. “It is taxpayers’ business, if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting Covid and helping reopen the economy.”
HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra: “The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business [to know who is vaccinated.] It is taxpayers’ business if we have to continue to spend money.” pic.twitter.com/iMm9UupBup
— CNN (@CNN) July 8, 2021
RELATED: Trump Announces He Will Sue Facebook, Twitter Over Censorship
‘We Hope You’ll Answer’
Becerra expanded upon his defense of a door-to-door vaccination push, suggesting “knocking on a door has never been against the law.”
“You don’t have to answer,” he added. “But we hope you do.”
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The creepy factor is off the charts.
HHS’s @SecBecerra tells CNN that the administration’s increasingly door-to-door vaccine outreach efforts are necessary after trillions spent trying to contain the virus’s spread.
“Knocking on a door has never been against the law. You don’t have to answer, but we hope you do.” pic.twitter.com/iSkuD7Ca5s
— Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) July 8, 2021
Imagine for one white-hot minute that former President Donald Trump even vaguely suggested that government funding of Planned Parenthood meant feds could go knocking on doors to lecture American birthing people women on the negative aspects of abortion.
Or if he stated that government funding to secure the border gave his administration the right to knock on doors to try and track down illegal immigrants.
Media personalities would have their heads spontaneously pop clean off their shoulders. There would be endless national marches. Seas of pink hats and anatomically correct costumes would abound.
Wasn’t it Trump that was supposed to be the authoritarian here?
Yet here we have Xavier Becerra, a member of the Biden cabinet, arguing in defense of a door-to-door campaign to pressure people on their health choices.
Becerra: “We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose. But we hope they choose to live … We hope people make the right choices … But we are America. We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible. But … ” pic.twitter.com/vBCmLYNImj
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 8, 2021
Becerra’s take on similar government action toward abortion and immigration would more than likely be much different.
This is, after all, an abortion extremist who prosecuted journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s underground baby body parts trade.
Guess he didn’t appreciate the intrusion on medical decisions in that particular case.
In 2018, Becerra, then the California Attorney General, announced that his office would prosecute employers – legal, hard-working Americans – should they assist federal authorities in cracking down on illegal immigration.
Again, not a fan of government knowledge in that regard.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra says “we will prosecute” employers who help federal immigration authorities as they seek to enforce immigration laws. pic.twitter.com/h0ujvBWLok
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) January 18, 2018
The White House has been pushing a more aggressive vaccination effort as concerns rise over the ‘Delta variant’ of the coronavirus and data indicates a decline in the numbers of people getting inoculated.
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