As The Left Pushes ‘Defund The Police,’ Melania Trump Thanks Officers With Surprise Visit

As The Left Pushes 'Defund The Police,' Melania Trump Thanks Officers With Surprise Visit

First Lady Melania Trump recently made a surprise visit to a Washington, D.C. fire and police department to deliver a donation of boxed lunches prepared by White House chefs.

Mrs. Trump also met with law enforcement officers from the DC Metropolitan Police Department during her visit.


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Gracious Melania Trump shows her thanks to first responders and law enforcement

The First Lady tweeted, “Thank you @dcfireems & @DCPoliceDept members for a great conversation at Engine Company 9 fire station. Your work is essential to keeping our citizens & youth safe, & proof that we must work together to build stronger connections between first responders & communities. #BeBest”

Trump handed out boxed lunches, Be Best tote bags, reusable face masks, and hand sanitizer, while talking about the officers’ daily work and how they have handled working throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

She also tweeted photos of uniformed men and women talking with her as the White House chef-prepared boxed lunches were handed out.

Trump tweeted, “Today I met w/@dcfireems & @DCPoliceDept members at Engine Company 9 fire station to drop off face masks, boxed lunches & other #BeBest items to show my appreciation for their work to provide critical life-saving services to keep our local communities healthy, secure & safe.”


‘Be Best’

Trump’s “Be Best” slogan, refers to the First Lady’s initiative encouraging children to strive for success and not fall into opioid abuse or other tragic directions.

The White House shared a tweet reading, “This week, the First Lady visited Engine Company 9 fire station in Washington, DC!”

“The President and I will continue to support our dedicated firefighters, police members, EMS personnel and other critical first responders,” Melania was quoted as saying.

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The First Lady’s move comes in the wake of ‘Defund the Police’

Melania Trump’s reaching out and thanking first responders and police officers comes in the wake of Democrats and the left seeking to “defund the police.” This is happening as nationwide protests and riots continue as a response – or at least originally – to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

As the election nears as voters see Democrats who appear to be on the opposite side of law enforcement and a Republican First Lady who is showing her gratitude, which party do you think they will be inclined to support?

There are other issues to consider, of course, but when it comes to giving the police support, there’s no questioning where the First Lady stands.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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