After watching the first and only vice presidential debate, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said that despite Kamala Harris insisting she is a person of faith, the Democratic nominee “seems like the most secular candidate ever to run.”
Analyzing Wednesday’s debate, Carlson observed, “At one point, Pence pointed out that Democrats have attacked Amy Coney Barrett for the crime of being Catholic. That seems out of bounds. How did Harris respond? She responded by describing herself as a person of faith.”
TUCKER: Kamala Harris is a "person of faith"? How? What does she worship except for power? She's the most secular candidate ever to run for office. pic.twitter.com/NGWdAON182
— August Takala (@RudyTakala) October 9, 2020
RELATED: Tucker Exposes Democrats’ Plan To Stop Trump’s SCOTUS Pick – ‘Burn The Entire F***ing Thing Down’
Tucker: ‘What Exactly Does Kamala Harris Worship, Apart From Power?’
Harris said, “First of all, Joe Biden and I are both people of faith” in a clip Carlson featured.
“And it’s insulting to suggest that we would knock anyone for their faith,” she added.
Tucker wasn’t having it.
“Oh, come on,” Carlson reacted to Harris’ comments. “A person of faith now? How?”
“What exactly does Kamala Harris worship, apart from power?,” Carlson continued. “Honestly, we’d like to know. If you know, tell us.”
Tucker Carlson: The Left Is Ruled By Identity Politics
Then Carlson said, “She seems like the most secular candidate ever to run for national office. That’s not an attack on her, by the way. Plenty of decent secular people. But it’s true.”
“Not that truth matters in this case,” Carlson added.
“For the purposes of last night’s debate, Kamala Harris identified as a ‘person of faith,’ and that’s all that matters.”
Carlson then explained how the Democratic Party prioritizes identity politics.
“The progressive Left understands race and gender and, yes, religious faith as means to an end. They’re identities,” Carlson said.
“They don’t have independent meanings. They are tools used to win arguments and achieve power.”
“Kamala Harris cycled through various identities last night,” Carlson added. “I’m speaking,’ she barked again and again when Mike Pence tried to respond to her.”
Thanks to Kamala Harris, anti-Catholic bigotry is alive and well in the U.S. Senate https://t.co/D6xvl1WNxR #VPDebate
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 8, 2020
“In other words, I’m a woman,” Harris charged, “that’s why you’re interrupting me.”
Please. Kamala Harris was in a debate. That’s what happens in a debate.
But never let the Democratic Party miss a chance to indulge in senseless identity politics.
Newt Gingrich: Harris ‘Most Anti-Catholic Bigot Nominated In Over A Century’
Yet the one identity category the left despises? People of the Christian faith.
This is especially true of Catholics when it comes to Kamala Harris.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tweeted in late September, “If President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett, Notre Dame Law Professor, Appeals Court judge, mother of 7 (2 adopted from Haiti), clerk for Scalia, devout Catholic, it will pose a unique challenge for Kamala Harris—the most anti-Catholic bigot nominated in over a century.”
If President Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett, Notre Dame Law Professor, Appeals Court judge, mother of 7(2 adopted from Haiti), clerk for Scalia,devout Catholic it will pose a unique challenge for Kamala Harris-the most anti-Catholic bigot nominated in over a century.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) September 21, 2020
Senator Harris has already attacked a different Catholic judge.
When District Court nominee Brian Buescher was before the Senate, Harris focused on his Catholic faith.
Specifically, Buescher’s membership in a Catholic charitable organization, and his Christian views on the right to life.
Harris wrote that “the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised of primarily Catholic men … opposes a woman’s right to choose.”
Real Clear Politics’ Steve Cortes chronicled Harris’ views:
“Anyone who ever pledged a college fraternity or sorority, take note — Harris does not seem to approve of your membership in a single-sex organization.
Anyone who further dares to personally embrace longstanding Christian doctrine on the sanctity of life, including the unborn, should also seek employment outside of the federal bench.”
“Such anti-Catholic bias represents not just a discriminatory affront, but also an unconstitutional religious litmus test for appointees,” he concluded.
According to National Review, Harris “… went on to ask Buescher whether he was “aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed marriage equality when [he] joined the organization” and whether he had “ever, in any way, assisted with or contributed to advocacy against women’s reproductive rights.”
Gingrich added in a follow-up tweet, “Are Democrats prepared to say a devout Catholic is by definition unfit to serve on the Supreme Court? If no pro-life Justice is acceptable, then no faithful Catholic, Evangelical or Orthodox Jew can be considered. Are Democrats really prepared to alienate that many Americans?”
Are Democrats prepared to say a devout Catholic is by definition unfit to serve on the Supreme Court? If no pro-life Justice is acceptable then no faithful Catholic, Evangelical or Orthodox Jew can be considered. Are Democrats really prepared to alienate that many Americans?
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) September 21, 2020
RELATED: Trump Slams ‘Anti-Catholic’ Attacks Against SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett
Democrats are prepared to do just about anything to defeat Trump-Biden this election.
But in the end, it’s possible they find that constantly alienating religious Americans the worst possible move.