Trump Takes Up for Latino Supporters Whose Restaurant Gets Bad Reviews After They Attended His Rally

Trump Takes Up for Latino Supporters Whose Restaurant Gets Bad Reviews After They Attended His Rally

Latino owners of a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix Arizona received an onslaught of bad restaurant reviews and even threats after they attended a recent Trump rally. So the President stepped in to defend them.

Speaking Out in Support of President Trump

Jorge and Betty Rivas are both legal immigrants and U.S. nationalized citizens who own Sammy’s Mexican Grill in Catalina, Arizona. When a screengrab of the couple standing behind Trump at the rally began making round online, the couple became targets on social media.

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Jorge Rivas told Fox & Friends, “There have been calls as well threatening us and giving us a hard time because we support the president.”

Despite the many “reviews” bashing the couple and the restaurant–the Latino couple were even called “evil racists”–business has started to improve significantly.

Restaurant Business Bounces Back

“The first day, a couple of days, it goes down, but like yesterday, we had a very good day,” Jorge Rivas said. “People know that anyone as an American has a right to support whoever they want, they come out and support us in a way that has turned out to be pretty good, thankfully.”

The Rivas’ are outspoken in their support President Trump. The couple posted a video on Facebook last week where they addressed the negative attacks they while wearing pro-Trump hats and also plenty of Trump signs and cutouts in the background.

President Trump Takes Up for Jorge and Betty

President Trump gave his support to Jorge and Betty on Facebook, telling everyone to go “Support Sammy’s.”

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“The food is GREAT at Sammy’s Mexican Grill in Phoenix, Arizona. Congratulations to Betty & Jorge Rivas on doing such a wonderful job,” Trump wrote. “I will try hard to stop by the next time I am in Phoenix. Support Sammy’s!”

While many continue to say 2020 Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders is putting together a multi-racial coalition, not enough credit is given to Donald Trump for doing the same. While Republicans don’t attract a majority of minorities, Trump did better in 2016 with voters of color than Mitt Romney did in 2012, and expect that number to rise in 2020.

Not to mention, how many other Latino supporters of President Trump exist, but are too afraid to say so out of fear of getting the same kind of backlash this couple did?

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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